Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total
Turkey Vulture 34 2963 70151
Osprey 0 1 47
Bald Eagle 2 119 378
Northern Harrier 10 107 854
Sharp-shinned Hawk 18 234 9020
Cooper's Hawk 6 72 382
American Goshawk 0 4 8
Red-shouldered Hawk 15 393 767
Broad-winged Hawk 0 0 56725
Red-tailed Hawk 89 1849 3428
Rough-legged Hawk 1 17 21
Golden Eagle 1 93 105
American Kestrel 0 7 2615
Merlin 2 14 141
Peregrine Falcon 1 12 100
Unknown Accipiter 0 0 0
Unknown Buteo 1 1 1
Unknown Eagle 0 0 0
Unknown Falcon 1 1 1
Unknown Raptor 0 0 0
Swainson's Hawk 0 1 1
Observation start time: 09:00:00
Observation end time: 15:00:00
Total observation time: 6 hours
Official Counter: Hugh Kent
Observers: Liz Kent, Noel Herdman
Big thanks to Noel and Mike for assisting in observing and recording on
what was a cold day in the wind.
The wind today seemed the main feature. From the north east it started
moderate and became strong, gusty at times by midday. Temperature started
at 2c and increased to about 6c but felt a lot colder with the wind chill.
It remained overcast all day, but the visibility remained good.
Raptor Observations:
It seemed increasingly hard for most Raptors to fly in the strong and gusty
wind, with two late Northern Harriers seeming to cope the best. Red-tailed
Hawks (89) again led the pack, with a surprising resurgence of
Sharp-shinned Hawks (18) and a continuing respectable number of
Red-shouldered Hawks (15). Northern Harriers (10) were next, revelling in
the wind. Cooper's Hawk (6), Bald Eagle (2) and Merlin (2) achieved more
than single sightings. A Golden Eagle and Rough-legged Hawk in the morning
and a late Peregrine contributed quality to the list.
Non-raptor Observations:
Yet again Ducks made up the majority of numbers on the list. Significant
numbers (over 7000) were seen attempting to shelter from the wind at the
northern edge of the marsh. Tundra Swans (43) returned today, passing over
the Marsh. American Crows (2780) continue to head west in numbers, possibly
getting some distance in before the rain arrives. American Goldfinch (610)
are also still passing in significant numbers. Other small birds seem to be
hiding from the wind, but it was good to see a couple of Fox Sparrows jump
foraging near the Tower. The list is at
Tomorrow's forecast is for wall to wall rain, so a count is unlikely. On
Wednesday the wind is moderate from the north west, overcast and cold. So
hopefully Wednesday will be similar to today, with maybe a few more moving
after having had to stay put in the rain tomorrow.
Report submitted by Hugh Kent (Hughnkent@gmail.com)
Holiday Beach Hawk Watch information may be found at:
More site information at hawkcount.org: https://hawkcount.org/siteinfo.php?rsite=100