Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting May 10, 2024

Mike V.A. Burrell
Fri, May 17, 2024 10:00 AM

Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting May 10, 2024

Species mentioned (all caps indicate species on the OBRC review list):
TUFTED DUCK x scaup sp. (hybrid) (Toronto)
White-winged Dove (Chatham-Kent)
Yellow Rail (Hamilton, Peterborough)
Red-necked Phalarope (Timiskaming)
Stilt Sandpiper (Brant, Halton, Simcoe)
Western Sandpiper (Essex)
Parasitic Jaeger (Norfolk)
Western Cattle Egret (Essex)
Black Vulture (Essex, Niagara, Norfolk, Prince Edward)
SWALLOW-TAILED KITE (Chatham-Kent, Essex)
Mississippi Kite (Essex, Prince Edward)
FERRUGINOUS HAWK (Chatham-Kent, Essex, Thunder Bay)
Loggerhead Shrike (Essex, Wellington)
Black-billed Magpie (CHATHAM-KENT)
Townsend's Solitaire (Wellington)
Worm-eating Warbler (Chatham-Kent, Essex)
Kentucky Warbler (Essex)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Bruce, Essex, Norfolk)
Summer Tanager (Bruce, Chatham-Kent, Elgin, Essex, Norfolk, Peel, Prince
Edward, Toronto, York)
Blue Grosbeak (Essex, Middlesex)

Details: I have tried to indicate the finder, where known. My apologies to
those who I have left out. You can help me by giving the finder's name(s),
if known, in your eBird checklists.

Looking for a replacement: I'm looking for someone to take over these
weekly reports! If you're interested, please get in touch.

BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK: Two birds were photographed by Todd
Brillinger in Corunna on May 13.

TUFTED DUCK (Huron): The male found by Max Segler on May 3 at Exeter Sewage
Lagoons continued to at least May 10.

TUFTED DUCK x scaup sp. (hybrid) (Toronto): The male bird found February 9
off Tommy Thompson Park continued to at least May 16.

Eurasian Collared-Dove (Chatham-Kent): Several observers saw one pass by
the end of Zion Rd east of Wheatley on May 10.
Eurasian Collared-Dove (Essex): Several observers saw one around the tip of
Point Pelee on May 14.

White-winged Dove (Chatham-Kent): Jeremy and Tim Logan photographed one in
the campground of Rondeau PP on May 15.

Yellow Rail (Hamilton): The bird found by Markus Legzdins, George
Preiksaitis, Jude Szabo and Rich Poort on May 8 at 5th Road East in Stoney
Creek continued to at least May 15.
Yellow Rail (Peterborough): At least two birds were still present at Miller
Creek where Leo Weiskittel found one calling on May 6 to at least May 15.
Matthew Tobey recorded another calling on Third Line northeast of
Baillieboro on May 15.

WHOOPING CRANE (Bruce): Kim M reported one at Inglis Falls on May 10.

BLACK-NECKED STILT (Middlesex): The one found by Mark Bakelaar at Strathroy
Sewage Lagoons on April 9 continued to at least May 16.

Red-necked Phalarope (Timiskaming): Bany Benoit photographed one at
Hilliardton Marsh on May 15.

Stilt Sandpiper (Brant): Jenny and Jason Pizzey photographed one at
Cainsville Lagoons on May 12.
Stilt Sandpiper (Halton): George Prieksaitis and Markus Legzdins found one
at 8th Line near Milton on May 14.
Stilt Sandpiper (Simcoe): Josiah Vandenberg found one on Sideroad 20 east
of Orillia on May 13 that remained to at least May 15.

Western Sandpiper (Essex): Jon Ruddy found one at Hillman Marsh on May 11
that was seen by many.

Parasitic Jaeger (Norfolk): James Lees photographed an adult off of Long
Point Provincial Park on May 11.

Black-headed Gull (Peel): Keith Matthieu photographed one near Caledon East
on May 16.

Western Cattle Egret (Essex): One bird was seen by many along Mersea Rd E
on May 10.

WHITE-FACED IBIS (Essex): Delmar Doucette found one at Hillman Marsh on May
14 that was seen by many to May 15.

Black Vulture (Essex): Lucas Liu found one in the onion fields north of
Point Pelee on May 11 that was seen by many the same day.
Black Vulture (Niagara): One bird was reported this week from the Queenston
Black Vulture (Norfolk): One bird was reported over Long Point Provincial
Park on May 16.
Black Vulture (Prince Edward): One bird was photographed over Prince Edward
Point on May 14.

SWALLOW-TAILED KITE (Chatham-Kent/Essex): Jon Ruddy found one at Rondeau on
May 10 that was seen at several points as it travelled west, it was last
seen from south of Hillman Marsh.

Mississippi Kite (Essex): One bird was reported over Point Pelee on May 10,
and then two were reported there on May 15. A third report came from Andrew
Keaveney over Kopegaron Woods on May 16.
Mississippi Kite (Prince Edward): Lloyd Paul reported one from Prince
Edward Point on May 15.

FERRUGINOUS HAWK (Chatham-Kent/Essex): The bird found by Brandon Holden on
May 8 near Port Alma continued in the general area to May 10 when it was
seen exiting the area going west into Essex County.
FERRUGINOUS HAWK (Thunder Bay): Thunder Cape Bird Observatory reported one
at Thunder Cape on May 13.

SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER (Thunder Bay): One bird was found on May 13 at
Fort William Historic Park that was seen and photographed by a few lucky
observers later the same day.

BELL'S VIREO (Essex): Bob Curry found one at the tip of Point Pelee on May
15 that was seen by many as it moved north up the west beach.

Loggerhead Shrike (Essex): Kieran Dykstra found and photographed one at
Fish Point on Pelee Island on May 10.
Loggerhead Shrike (Wellington): Brett Groves reported one near Drayton on
May 13.

Black-billed Magpie (CHATHAM-KENT): Two birds continued this week from the
Shrewsbury area.

Townsend's Solitaire (Wellington): Abigail Clifford and Joseph Langlois
reported one in Guelph on May 16.

EURASIAN TREE SPARROW (Algoma): Tony Ward photographed one at Thessalon on
May 16.
EURASIAN TREE SPARROW (Thunder Bay): Jeff Robinson photographed two
individuals together at Sunshine Loop on May 16.

Worm-eating Warbler (Chatham-Kent): One bird was reported from Pony Barn in
Rondeau PP on May 15.
Worm-eating Warbler (Essex): Pelee Island Bird Observatory banded one at
Fish Point on May 16.

Kentucky Warbler (Essex): The bird reported last week around Sanctuary at
Point Pelee was reported again May 10. Mark Nenadov reported one from Cedar
Creek CA on May 11.

Yellow-throated Warbler (Bruce): The Bruce Birding club found one at
Kincardine Sewage Lagoons on May 15.
Yellow-throated Warbler (Essex): Debra Witter reported one from Ojibway
Prairie on May 13. Several observers saw one at the tip of Point Pelee on
May 14.
Yellow-throated Warbler (Norfolk): LPBO staff reported one from the tip of
Long Point on May 14.

TOWNSEND'S WARBLER (Chatham-Kent): Michelle and Paul Martin found one at
Tulip Tree Trail in Rondeau on May 12 that was seen by several observers
later the same day.

Summer Tanager (multiple): Reports this week came from Bruce, Chatham-Kent,
Elgin, Essex, Norfolk, Peel, Prince Edward, Toronto, and York.

Blue Grosbeak (Middlesex): Donna Ferguson found one at McDonald Road near
the Ausable River on May 11 that was seen and photographed by a few other
observers to at least May 12.

Report compiled by Mike Burrell from a variety of sources, primarily eBird;
most other sources are listed here:

Ontario Rare Bird Alert for the week starting May 10, 2024 Species mentioned (all caps indicate species on the OBRC review list): BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK (Lambton) TUFTED DUCK (Huron) TUFTED DUCK x scaup sp. (hybrid) (Toronto) EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE (Chatham-Kent, Essex) White-winged Dove (Chatham-Kent) Yellow Rail (Hamilton, Peterborough) WHOOPING CRANE (Grey) BLACK-NECKED STILT (Middlesex) Red-necked Phalarope (Timiskaming) Stilt Sandpiper (Brant, Halton, Simcoe) Western Sandpiper (Essex) Parasitic Jaeger (Norfolk) BLACK-HEADED GULL (Peel) Western Cattle Egret (Essex) WHITE-FACED IBIS (Essex) Black Vulture (Essex, Niagara, Norfolk, Prince Edward) SWALLOW-TAILED KITE (Chatham-Kent, Essex) Mississippi Kite (Essex, Prince Edward) FERRUGINOUS HAWK (Chatham-Kent, Essex, Thunder Bay) SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER (Thunder Bay) BELL'S VIREO (Essex) Loggerhead Shrike (Essex, Wellington) Black-billed Magpie (CHATHAM-KENT) Townsend's Solitaire (Wellington) EURASIAN TREE SPARROW (Algoma, Thunder Bay) Worm-eating Warbler (Chatham-Kent, Essex) Kentucky Warbler (Essex) Yellow-throated Warbler (Bruce, Essex, Norfolk) TOWNSEND'S WARBLER (Chatham-Kent) Summer Tanager (Bruce, Chatham-Kent, Elgin, Essex, Norfolk, Peel, Prince Edward, Toronto, York) Blue Grosbeak (Essex, Middlesex) Details: I have tried to indicate the finder, where known. My apologies to those who I have left out. You can help me by giving the finder's name(s), if known, in your eBird checklists. Looking for a replacement: I'm looking for someone to take over these weekly reports! If you're interested, please get in touch. BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK: Two birds were photographed by Todd Brillinger in Corunna on May 13. TUFTED DUCK (Huron): The male found by Max Segler on May 3 at Exeter Sewage Lagoons continued to at least May 10. TUFTED DUCK x scaup sp. (hybrid) (Toronto): The male bird found February 9 off Tommy Thompson Park continued to at least May 16. Eurasian Collared-Dove (Chatham-Kent): Several observers saw one pass by the end of Zion Rd east of Wheatley on May 10. Eurasian Collared-Dove (Essex): Several observers saw one around the tip of Point Pelee on May 14. White-winged Dove (Chatham-Kent): Jeremy and Tim Logan photographed one in the campground of Rondeau PP on May 15. Yellow Rail (Hamilton): The bird found by Markus Legzdins, George Preiksaitis, Jude Szabo and Rich Poort on May 8 at 5th Road East in Stoney Creek continued to at least May 15. Yellow Rail (Peterborough): At least two birds were still present at Miller Creek where Leo Weiskittel found one calling on May 6 to at least May 15. Matthew Tobey recorded another calling on Third Line northeast of Baillieboro on May 15. WHOOPING CRANE (Bruce): Kim M reported one at Inglis Falls on May 10. BLACK-NECKED STILT (Middlesex): The one found by Mark Bakelaar at Strathroy Sewage Lagoons on April 9 continued to at least May 16. Red-necked Phalarope (Timiskaming): Bany Benoit photographed one at Hilliardton Marsh on May 15. Stilt Sandpiper (Brant): Jenny and Jason Pizzey photographed one at Cainsville Lagoons on May 12. Stilt Sandpiper (Halton): George Prieksaitis and Markus Legzdins found one at 8th Line near Milton on May 14. Stilt Sandpiper (Simcoe): Josiah Vandenberg found one on Sideroad 20 east of Orillia on May 13 that remained to at least May 15. Western Sandpiper (Essex): Jon Ruddy found one at Hillman Marsh on May 11 that was seen by many. Parasitic Jaeger (Norfolk): James Lees photographed an adult off of Long Point Provincial Park on May 11. Black-headed Gull (Peel): Keith Matthieu photographed one near Caledon East on May 16. Western Cattle Egret (Essex): One bird was seen by many along Mersea Rd E on May 10. WHITE-FACED IBIS (Essex): Delmar Doucette found one at Hillman Marsh on May 14 that was seen by many to May 15. Black Vulture (Essex): Lucas Liu found one in the onion fields north of Point Pelee on May 11 that was seen by many the same day. Black Vulture (Niagara): One bird was reported this week from the Queenston area. Black Vulture (Norfolk): One bird was reported over Long Point Provincial Park on May 16. Black Vulture (Prince Edward): One bird was photographed over Prince Edward Point on May 14. SWALLOW-TAILED KITE (Chatham-Kent/Essex): Jon Ruddy found one at Rondeau on May 10 that was seen at several points as it travelled west, it was last seen from south of Hillman Marsh. Mississippi Kite (Essex): One bird was reported over Point Pelee on May 10, and then two were reported there on May 15. A third report came from Andrew Keaveney over Kopegaron Woods on May 16. Mississippi Kite (Prince Edward): Lloyd Paul reported one from Prince Edward Point on May 15. FERRUGINOUS HAWK (Chatham-Kent/Essex): The bird found by Brandon Holden on May 8 near Port Alma continued in the general area to May 10 when it was seen exiting the area going west into Essex County. FERRUGINOUS HAWK (Thunder Bay): Thunder Cape Bird Observatory reported one at Thunder Cape on May 13. SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER (Thunder Bay): One bird was found on May 13 at Fort William Historic Park that was seen and photographed by a few lucky observers later the same day. BELL'S VIREO (Essex): Bob Curry found one at the tip of Point Pelee on May 15 that was seen by many as it moved north up the west beach. Loggerhead Shrike (Essex): Kieran Dykstra found and photographed one at Fish Point on Pelee Island on May 10. Loggerhead Shrike (Wellington): Brett Groves reported one near Drayton on May 13. Black-billed Magpie (CHATHAM-KENT): Two birds continued this week from the Shrewsbury area. Townsend's Solitaire (Wellington): Abigail Clifford and Joseph Langlois reported one in Guelph on May 16. EURASIAN TREE SPARROW (Algoma): Tony Ward photographed one at Thessalon on May 16. EURASIAN TREE SPARROW (Thunder Bay): Jeff Robinson photographed two individuals together at Sunshine Loop on May 16. Worm-eating Warbler (Chatham-Kent): One bird was reported from Pony Barn in Rondeau PP on May 15. Worm-eating Warbler (Essex): Pelee Island Bird Observatory banded one at Fish Point on May 16. Kentucky Warbler (Essex): The bird reported last week around Sanctuary at Point Pelee was reported again May 10. Mark Nenadov reported one from Cedar Creek CA on May 11. Yellow-throated Warbler (Bruce): The Bruce Birding club found one at Kincardine Sewage Lagoons on May 15. Yellow-throated Warbler (Essex): Debra Witter reported one from Ojibway Prairie on May 13. Several observers saw one at the tip of Point Pelee on May 14. Yellow-throated Warbler (Norfolk): LPBO staff reported one from the tip of Long Point on May 14. TOWNSEND'S WARBLER (Chatham-Kent): Michelle and Paul Martin found one at Tulip Tree Trail in Rondeau on May 12 that was seen by several observers later the same day. Summer Tanager (multiple): Reports this week came from Bruce, Chatham-Kent, Elgin, Essex, Norfolk, Peel, Prince Edward, Toronto, and York. Blue Grosbeak (Middlesex): Donna Ferguson found one at McDonald Road near the Ausable River on May 11 that was seen and photographed by a few other observers to at least May 12. Report compiled by Mike Burrell from a variety of sources, primarily eBird; most other sources are listed here: http://ofo.ca/site/content/ontario-hotlines-and-news