Brantfords 10th christmas bird count was held on Sunday December 31 . The 24 km count circle is centered at the Brantford Airport , and includes most of Paris , Brantford , Burford , Scotland and Oakland . During count day , the weather was very favourable for observers , but not ideal to see many species of birds That was the consensus among most field parties . Temps ranged from +3 to -2 with little to no winds and no snow cover until a light snow fall in the later afternoon . All water bodies remained ice free and open 33 field observers in 18 parties , and 6 feeder counters observed 71 species for count day . This was Brants 3rd highest count being surpassed in previous years with 73 , and 74 . Two new species were added to the total count list , those being Franklins Gull , and Pied Billed Grebe. Count week species were minimal with Sandhill Crane , Turkey Vulture and a Glaucous Gull/ Herring Gull cross . The list of all species and quantities is as follows in non taxonomical order
Peregrine Falcon 1
American Kestrel 6
Merlin 3
Bald Eagle 14
Red-Tailed Hawk 38
Northern Harrier 1
Coopers Hawk 5
Sharp-Shinned Hawk 1
Great Horned Owl 5
Eastern Screech-Owl 16
American Crow 420
Common Raven 14
Rock Pigeon 590
Mourning Dove 598
Belted Kingfisher 8
Wild Turkey 39
Great Blue Heron 11
Canada Goose 1403
Tundra Swan 127
Trumpeter Swan 3
Pied Billed Grebe 1
Mallard 449
American Black Duck 13
Green Winged Teal 3
Bufflehead 12
Common Goldeneye 58
Hooded Merganser 13
Common Merganser 70
Red Breasted Merganser 3
Herring Gull 1550
Ring-Billed Gull 230
Lesser Black- Backed Gull 1
Great Black-Backed Gull 11
Franklins Gull 1
Iceland Gull 2
European Starling 9, 386
Pileated Woodpecker 11
Northern Flicker 8
Downy Woodpecker 130
Hairy Woodpecker 23
Red-Bellied Woodpecker 47
Carolina Wren 45
Winter Wren 3
Black-Capped Chickadee 372
Dark-Eyed Junco 876
Red- Breasted Nuthatch 8
White-Breasted Nuthatch 135
Tufted Titmouse 15
Brown Creeper 29
Golden-Crowned Kinglet 62
Northern Cardinal 223
BlueJay 261
Cedar Waxwing 92
American Robin 41
Northern Shrike 2
Northern Mockingbird 1
Eastern Bluebird 49
Song Sparrow 31
White-Throated Sparrow 35
White-Crowned Sparrow 25
Swamp Sparrow 9
American Tree-Sparrow 221
House Sparrow 143
House Finch 63
American Goldfinch 340
Pine Siskin 69
Common Redpoll 12
Fox Sparrow 1
Hermit Thrush 1
Red-Winged Blackbird 107
Brown-Headed Cowbird 11
Participants were:
Kevin Murphy , Bill Lamond , Ellen Horak , Jerry Horak , Jeff Leader , Scott Shaughnessy , Peter Pautler , Fran Myers , Rhiannon Myers , Stephanie Dearing , Sheldon Mcgregor , Jeanette Duff , Duane Brown , Terry Kirby , Marilyn Kew , Laurel Winger , James Winger , Greg Dirbyshire , Neil Faulkenham , Ken Dance , Janet Dance , Mike Boone , Judy Boone , Mary Anne Workman , Bill Read , Karen Brehn , Jason Pizzey , Tom Sitak , Kate Sitak , Paula Sitak , Sue Coles , Jen , David Cook and friend , Robin Brennan , Norma Isotam , Naree Gaw , Gail Blanchette , Constance Hanna , Christine Dronfield Sawyer .
Compiler. Kevin Murphy