Kingston Area Birds 20 January 2024 - 26 January 2024

Darren Rayner
Sat, Jan 27, 2024 1:14 PM

Kingston Area Birds 20 January 2024 – 26 January 2024

Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their
sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email records directly
to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require
review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type
require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or
directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type
may be replaced by asterisks.

Overview: There were some great observations and some excellent finds
over the week.  The local celebrity Lark Sparrow continues to bring birders
from all over.  It was nice to meet some of them last weekend and to see
how respectful they were being of the homeowner’s personal property.

 The freezing rain at the end of the week definitely led to a steep

decline in the reports coming in.  The forecast looks a little better as we
head into February.  Good birding everyone.

Parish Notes:

Please note the new email address at the bottom of the report that can be
used to submit observations if you are not using eBird.

Kingston List

SNOW GOOSE – Merlin sound recording from Wolfe Island on Jan. 23, not seen

CACKLING GOOSE – 1 was seen on Country Club Drive on Jan. 25

TRUMPETER SWAN – 3 birds were seen flying over 104 Hardwood Lane on Jan.
20; 2 were seen at Bedford Mills on Jan. 21; a high count of 102 birds came
from Chaffey’s Lock on Jan. 22, 69 on Jan. 24; 54 were seen on Lower
Brewers Lock on Jan. 23

AMERICAN WIGEON-1 bird was seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Jan. 26

NORTHERN PINTAIL-3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 23

GREEN-WINGED TEAL – 8 birds were seen at Belle Park on Jan. 21

WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 8 birds were seen at Long Point/Gravelly Bay Road on
Jan. 20, 20 on Jan. 21, 10 on Jan. 22, 24 on Jan. 23; 40 were seen at
Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23; 3 were seen at Cressy Point on Jan. 23;
8 were seen at Point Traverse Woods on Jan. 25

AMERICAN COOT – 1 was seen on The Waterfront Walkway in Kingston on Jan.
21; 1 was seen at the Kingston Penitentiary property on Jan. 23

LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL – 1 was seen at the Violet Dump on Jan. 23; 1 was
also seen at the Lansdowne Dump on Jan. 26

GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL – still multiple sightings throughout the Kingston
area this week

GLAUCOUS GULL – 1 bird was seen off the Wolfe Island Ferry on Jan. 20; 2
were seen at the Violet Dump on Jan. 23; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Jan.
24, 1 on Jan. 25

COMMON LOON – 1 was seen off the Wolfe Island Ferry on Jan. 21; 3 were seen
on Howe Island on Jan. 23, 4 on Jan. 25; 1 was seen at Portsmouth Olympic
Harbour on Jan. 23; 2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Jan. 25, 2 on
Jan. 26

DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT – 1 was seen on the Waterfront Walkway in Kingston
on Jan. 21

GOLDEN EAGLE – 1 bird was seen and photographed on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21;
1 was seen on Highway 401 just West of Hwy. 38 on Jan. 26

COOPER'S HAWK – 1 bird was seen on Sand Hill Road on Jan. 20; 1 was seen at
194 Pauline Tom Road on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on Chelsea Road on Jan. 20, 1
on Jan. 23 and again on Jan. 26; 1 was seen at a private residence East of
Kingston on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21 and again on Jan. 26; 1 was seen on
Amherst Island on Jan. 22; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Jan. 24; 1 was seen
in the Balsam Grove Area on Jan. 25; 1 was seen on Country Club Drive on
Jan. 25

ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – still showing up in great numbers on Wolfe and Amherst
Island this week as well as observations coming from the mainland,
primarily near Lake Ontario

BELTED KINGFISHER – 1 bird was seen at the Millhaven Ferry Dock on Jan.
21; 1 was seen at Lower Brewers Lock on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Chaffey’s
Lock on Jan. 24

YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER- 1 bird was seen in Grenville Park on Jan. 20

NORTHERN FLICKER – 1 was seen at Grenville Park on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at
The Marshlands on Jan. 21; 1 was seen on Riverview Drive in Camden East on
Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23

AMERICAN KESTREL – 3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 20, 2 on Jan.
21, 1 on Jan. 22; 1 was seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Jan. 23

PEREGRINE FALCON – 1 bird was seen at Princess Towers on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan
25; 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21; 1 was seen hunting on
Nina’s Lane on Jan. 25

SNOWY OWL-1 bird was observed flying East of Kingston on Jan. 20; 1 was
seen in Kingston on Jan. 21

NORTHERN SHRIKE – 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 20; 1 was seen at
Tree Frog Farm on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Jan. 20, 1 on
Jan. 21; 1 bird was seen on Babylon Road on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on Howe
Island on Jan. 24

FISH CROW – 1 bird was seen at City Park on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on
Jan. 24; 1 was seen on Wellington Street on Jan. 23

TUFTED TITMOUSE – 2 birds were seen on John Street in Gananoque on Jan. 21;
1 was seen on Gananoque Lake Road on Jan. 26

HORNED LARK – 13 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21, 8 on Jan. 26;
8 birds were seen on County Road 9 near Watercombe on Jan. 22; 21 were seen
on Garret Road on Jan. 23

WINTER WREN – 1 bird was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 21

CAROLINA WREN – 1 bird was seen at a feeder at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on
Jan. 20; 1 was seen in Grenville Park on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on John Street
in Gananoque on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23;
1 was reported from the Balsam Grove area on Jan. 24

RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET- 1 bird was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 22

NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD – 1 bird was continuing at Portsmouth Olympic
Harbour on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 24; 1 was seen at the Kingston
Penitentiary property on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at a private residence on King
Street on Jan. 23; (may be the same bird at all of these locations as they
are in close proximity to each other)

EASTERN BLUEBIRD – 6 were seen on Blue Mountain Road on Jan. 22, 6 again on
Jan. 22; 6 were seen at South Bay, PEC on Jan. 22; 3 were seen in Camden
East on Jan. 23; 7 were seen on Petworth Road on Jan. 25; 7 were seen on
Kyes Road on Jan. 26

HERMIT THRUSH – 1 bird was still seen at The Marshlands on Jan. 20; 1 was
seen at Lemoine Point on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 22; 1
bird was seen on Tubolino Road in Clayton, NY on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at
Pine Tree Forest, Jefferson, NY on Jan. 26

AMERICAN PIPIT – 1 bird was seen on County Road 9 near Watercombe on Jan. 22

PURPLE FINCH – 1 bird was seen on Sand Hill Road on Jan. 20, 2 on Jan. 22;
1 was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 21; 2 were seen on Country Club
Drive in Bath on Jan. 22

RED CROSSBILL – 15 were counted at Norway Lake on Jan. 21; 7 birds were
seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Jan. 24

PINE SISKIN – 15 were seen at Norway Lake on Jan. 21; 3 were seen on
Chelsea Road on Jan. 21

LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21, 3 on Jan. 23; 1
was seen on County Road 13 in PEC on Jan. 25

SNOW BUNTING – very plentiful this week with counts of over 1000 daily
coming from Wolfe Island as well as smaller numbers from Amherst Island and
East of Kingston

FIELD SPARROW- 1 bird was seen at the Millhaven Ferry Dock on Jan. 21

FOX SPARROW- 1 bird was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 25

LARK SPARROW – the Chelsea Road bird continued daily throughout the week,
with two individuals being reported from this location at the same time on
Jan. 21.  There were sightings of a bird at Bicknell Crescent, which is
likely the same bird as the sightings are in the same neighbourhood.

WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW – 1 was seen at a private residence East of Kingston
on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 24

SAVANNAH SPARROW-1 late bird was seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Jan. 20, 1
on Jan. 23; 1 was seen on Galt Street on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 22

SONG SPARROW – 2 birds were found on Wolfe Island on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 22;
1 bird was seen at Link Mill School House on Jan. 20; 3 were seen on Kaiser
Cross Road on Jan. 20, 3 on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 21, 1
on Jan. 22; 1 was seen at the Lafarge Cement Plant on Jan. 21; 1 was seen
on Chelsea Road on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23

SWAMP SPARROW – 2 birds were still seen at The Marshlands on Jan. 20

EASTERN TOWHEE- 1 bird was seen again at a feeder at 1726 Bur Brook Road
on Jan. 20, Jan. 21 and Jan. 23; 1 bird is continuing at a residence on
Haig Road in Gananoque and was seen again on Jan. 26

EASTERN MEADOWLARK- 2 birds were seen very near to each other near
Dexter/Chaumont, NY, USA on Jan. 21

RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD – 9 birds were seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan.
20, 7 on Jan. 21, 7 on Jan. 23; 20 birds were continuing at 5545 Perth Road
Crescent on Jan. 20, 23 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 23, 23 on Jan. 24; 1 was seen
at a private residence East of Kingston on Jan. 20, 2 on Jan. 21, 2 on Jan.
23, 2 on Jan. 24, 1 on Jan. 25 and 2 again on Jan. 26; 1 was seen on
Parrot’s Bay Lane on Jan. 23, 1 on Jan. 24; 10 were seen on Howe Island on
Jan. 25

BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD – 3 birds were seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan.
20, 1 on Jan. 23

RUSTY BLACKBIRD – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Jan. 21

COMMON GRACKLE – 1 bird was seen on Perth Road Crescent on Jan. 24

YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER – 1 bird was observed at Long Point/Gravelly Bay
Road on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 23

In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording
area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings
Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field
Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin
Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked
on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN
members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west
gate and show their membership card to security.

As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings
directly or via eBird.


Darren Rayner

Perth Road, Ontario


Kingston Area Birds 20 January 2024 – 26 January 2024 Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email records directly to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type may be replaced by asterisks. *Overview*: There were some great observations and some excellent finds over the week. The local celebrity Lark Sparrow continues to bring birders from all over. It was nice to meet some of them last weekend and to see how respectful they were being of the homeowner’s personal property. The freezing rain at the end of the week definitely led to a steep decline in the reports coming in. The forecast looks a little better as we head into February. Good birding everyone. *Parish Notes:* *Please note the new email address at the bottom of the report that can be used to submit observations if you are not using eBird.* *Kingston List* SNOW GOOSE – Merlin sound recording from Wolfe Island on Jan. 23, not seen CACKLING GOOSE – 1 was seen on Country Club Drive on Jan. 25 TRUMPETER SWAN – 3 birds were seen flying over 104 Hardwood Lane on Jan. 20; 2 were seen at Bedford Mills on Jan. 21; a high count of 102 birds came from Chaffey’s Lock on Jan. 22, 69 on Jan. 24; 54 were seen on Lower Brewers Lock on Jan. 23 AMERICAN WIGEON-1 bird was seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Jan. 26 NORTHERN PINTAIL-3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 23 GREEN-WINGED TEAL – 8 birds were seen at Belle Park on Jan. 21 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 8 birds were seen at Long Point/Gravelly Bay Road on Jan. 20, 20 on Jan. 21, 10 on Jan. 22, 24 on Jan. 23; 40 were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23; 3 were seen at Cressy Point on Jan. 23; 8 were seen at Point Traverse Woods on Jan. 25 AMERICAN COOT – 1 was seen on The Waterfront Walkway in Kingston on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at the Kingston Penitentiary property on Jan. 23 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL – 1 was seen at the Violet Dump on Jan. 23; 1 was also seen at the Lansdowne Dump on Jan. 26 GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL – still multiple sightings throughout the Kingston area this week GLAUCOUS GULL – 1 bird was seen off the Wolfe Island Ferry on Jan. 20; 2 were seen at the Violet Dump on Jan. 23; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Jan. 24, 1 on Jan. 25 COMMON LOON – 1 was seen off the Wolfe Island Ferry on Jan. 21; 3 were seen on Howe Island on Jan. 23, 4 on Jan. 25; 1 was seen at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour on Jan. 23; 2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Jan. 25, 2 on Jan. 26 DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT – 1 was seen on the Waterfront Walkway in Kingston on Jan. 21 GOLDEN EAGLE – 1 bird was seen and photographed on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21; 1 was seen on Highway 401 just West of Hwy. 38 on Jan. 26 COOPER'S HAWK – 1 bird was seen on Sand Hill Road on Jan. 20; 1 was seen at 194 Pauline Tom Road on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on Chelsea Road on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 23 and again on Jan. 26; 1 was seen at a private residence East of Kingston on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21 and again on Jan. 26; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Jan. 22; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Jan. 24; 1 was seen in the Balsam Grove Area on Jan. 25; 1 was seen on Country Club Drive on Jan. 25 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – still showing up in great numbers on Wolfe and Amherst Island this week as well as observations coming from the mainland, primarily near Lake Ontario BELTED KINGFISHER – 1 bird was seen at the Millhaven Ferry Dock on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Lower Brewers Lock on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Chaffey’s Lock on Jan. 24 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER- 1 bird was seen in Grenville Park on Jan. 20 NORTHERN FLICKER – 1 was seen at Grenville Park on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at The Marshlands on Jan. 21; 1 was seen on Riverview Drive in Camden East on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23 AMERICAN KESTREL – 3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 20, 2 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 22; 1 was seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Jan. 23 PEREGRINE FALCON – 1 bird was seen at Princess Towers on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan 25; 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21; 1 was seen hunting on Nina’s Lane on Jan. 25 SNOWY OWL-1 bird was observed flying East of Kingston on Jan. 20; 1 was seen in Kingston on Jan. 21 NORTHERN SHRIKE – 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 20; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21; 1 bird was seen on Babylon Road on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Jan. 24 *FISH CROW* – 1 bird was seen at City Park on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 24; 1 was seen on Wellington Street on Jan. 23 TUFTED TITMOUSE – 2 birds were seen on John Street in Gananoque on Jan. 21; 1 was seen on Gananoque Lake Road on Jan. 26 HORNED LARK – 13 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21, 8 on Jan. 26; 8 birds were seen on County Road 9 near Watercombe on Jan. 22; 21 were seen on Garret Road on Jan. 23 WINTER WREN – 1 bird was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 21 CAROLINA WREN – 1 bird was seen at a feeder at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on Jan. 20; 1 was seen in Grenville Park on Jan. 20; 1 was seen on John Street in Gananoque on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23; 1 was reported from the Balsam Grove area on Jan. 24 RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET- 1 bird was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 22 *NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD* – 1 bird was continuing at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 24; 1 was seen at the Kingston Penitentiary property on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at a private residence on King Street on Jan. 23; (may be the same bird at all of these locations as they are in close proximity to each other) EASTERN BLUEBIRD – 6 were seen on Blue Mountain Road on Jan. 22, 6 again on Jan. 22; 6 were seen at South Bay, PEC on Jan. 22; 3 were seen in Camden East on Jan. 23; 7 were seen on Petworth Road on Jan. 25; 7 were seen on Kyes Road on Jan. 26 HERMIT THRUSH – 1 bird was still seen at The Marshlands on Jan. 20; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point on Jan. 21; 1 was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 22; 1 bird was seen on Tubolino Road in Clayton, NY on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Pine Tree Forest, Jefferson, NY on Jan. 26 AMERICAN PIPIT – 1 bird was seen on County Road 9 near Watercombe on Jan. 22 PURPLE FINCH – 1 bird was seen on Sand Hill Road on Jan. 20, 2 on Jan. 22; 1 was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 21; 2 were seen on Country Club Drive in Bath on Jan. 22 RED CROSSBILL – 15 were counted at Norway Lake on Jan. 21; 7 birds were seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Jan. 24 PINE SISKIN – 15 were seen at Norway Lake on Jan. 21; 3 were seen on Chelsea Road on Jan. 21 LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Jan. 21, 3 on Jan. 23; 1 was seen on County Road 13 in PEC on Jan. 25 SNOW BUNTING – very plentiful this week with counts of over 1000 daily coming from Wolfe Island as well as smaller numbers from Amherst Island and East of Kingston *FIELD SPARROW*- 1 bird was seen at the Millhaven Ferry Dock on Jan. 21 FOX SPARROW- 1 bird was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 25 *LARK SPARROW* – the Chelsea Road bird continued daily throughout the week, with two individuals being reported from this location at the same time on Jan. 21. There were sightings of a bird at Bicknell Crescent, which is likely the same bird as the sightings are in the same neighbourhood. WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW – 1 was seen at a private residence East of Kingston on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 24 *SAVANNAH SPARROW*-1 late bird was seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 23; 1 was seen on Galt Street on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 22 SONG SPARROW – 2 birds were found on Wolfe Island on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 22; 1 bird was seen at Link Mill School House on Jan. 20; 3 were seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Jan. 20, 3 on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Belle Park on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 22; 1 was seen at the Lafarge Cement Plant on Jan. 21; 1 was seen on Chelsea Road on Jan. 23; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Jan. 23 SWAMP SPARROW – 2 birds were still seen at The Marshlands on Jan. 20 *EASTERN TOWHEE*- 1 bird was seen again at a feeder at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 20, Jan. 21 and Jan. 23; 1 bird is continuing at a residence on Haig Road in Gananoque and was seen again on Jan. 26 *EASTERN MEADOWLARK*- 2 birds were seen very near to each other near Dexter/Chaumont, NY, USA on Jan. 21 *RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD* – 9 birds were seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 20, 7 on Jan. 21, 7 on Jan. 23; 20 birds were continuing at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on Jan. 20, 23 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 23, 23 on Jan. 24; 1 was seen at a private residence East of Kingston on Jan. 20, 2 on Jan. 21, 2 on Jan. 23, 2 on Jan. 24, 1 on Jan. 25 and 2 again on Jan. 26; 1 was seen on Parrot’s Bay Lane on Jan. 23, 1 on Jan. 24; 10 were seen on Howe Island on Jan. 25 *BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD* – 3 birds were seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 23 *RUSTY BLACKBIRD* – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Jan. 21 *COMMON GRACKLE* – 1 bird was seen on Perth Road Crescent on Jan. 24 *YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER* – 1 bird was observed at Long Point/Gravelly Bay Road on Jan. 20, 1 on Jan. 21, 1 on Jan. 23 In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings Policy <>. Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west gate and show their membership card to security. As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings directly or via eBird. Darren Darren Rayner Perth Road, Ontario Email: