Holiday Beach Hawk Watch (15 Sep 2023) 1359 Raptors

Sat, Sep 16, 2023 1:19 AM

Holiday Beach Hawk Watch
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 15, 2023

Species            Day's Count    Month Total  Season Total

Turkey Vulture              52            344            344
Osprey                      1            23            23
Bald Eagle                  9            64            64
Northern Harrier            43            146            146
Sharp-shinned Hawk        576          2067          2067
Cooper's Hawk                4            36            36
American Goshawk            0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              0
Broad-winged Hawk          567          24893          24893
Red-tailed Hawk            12            72            72
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                0              0              0
American Kestrel            85            464            464
Merlin                      9            53            53
Peregrine Falcon            1            10            10
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon              0              0              0
Unknown Raptor              0              0              0

Total:                    1359          28172          28172

Observation start time: 07:00:00
Observation end  time: 16:00:00
Total observation time: 9 hours

Official Counter:        Hugh Kent

Observers:        Bob Pettit, Chad Cornish, Cindy Isenhoff, Karen Padbury,
Larry Ludwicki, Liz Kent, Noel Herdman, Patrick Tomlinson,
Peter Veighey, Steve Wagner

It was great to see many old friends arriving today to help with observing
and counting. A big thanks to Bob, Chad, Cindy, Karen, Larry, Noel, Peter,
Patrick and Steve. Also it was nice to see Clay who also helped with
observing and letting us all try out various Swarovski binoculars. It was
good to meet Danny and David, Helen and Aaron and Charity and other
visitors all who showed a great interest in the Hawk Watch.

The day started with a light wind from the north which turned to the south
west late morning and increased to moderate. There were scattered clouds of
variable cover over the day. The temperature started at about 20c and
increased to mid twenties late afternoon as the cloud cover decreased.
Visibility was good all day.

Raptor Observations:
Sharp-shinned Hawks (576) came all day and just pipped Broad-winged Hawks
(567) which came in a couple of kettles way off to the north mid morning,
just before the wind changed. American Kestrels (85) and Northern Harriers
(43) came through in good numbers and Turkey Vultures (52) are on the
increase. There were nine Merlins today which is a good daily count for
this species, which never fails to entertain. A total of 11 species were
seen today.

Non-raptor Observations:
A good list today with Eastern Meadowlark and Horned Lark new for the
season. Seven species of warbler, three of Flycatchers and three of vireos
were spotted helping the list up to 58 species. Tree swallows (245) were
hawking above the marsh, again good numbers of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds
(16) zoomed through and the number of ducks on the marsh are slowly
increasing with 5 species seen. The list is at

Tomorrow is Day 1 of the Hawk Fest! Hope to see you all there, together
with many Hawks.

Report submitted by Hugh Kent (
Holiday Beach Hawk Watch information may be found at:

More site information at

Holiday Beach Hawk Watch Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 15, 2023 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Species Day's Count Month Total Season Total ------------------ ----------- -------------- -------------- Turkey Vulture 52 344 344 Osprey 1 23 23 Bald Eagle 9 64 64 Northern Harrier 43 146 146 Sharp-shinned Hawk 576 2067 2067 Cooper's Hawk 4 36 36 American Goshawk 0 0 0 Red-shouldered Hawk 0 0 0 Broad-winged Hawk 567 24893 24893 Red-tailed Hawk 12 72 72 Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0 Golden Eagle 0 0 0 American Kestrel 85 464 464 Merlin 9 53 53 Peregrine Falcon 1 10 10 Unknown Accipiter 0 0 0 Unknown Buteo 0 0 0 Unknown Eagle 0 0 0 Unknown Falcon 0 0 0 Unknown Raptor 0 0 0 Total: 1359 28172 28172 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Observation start time: 07:00:00 Observation end time: 16:00:00 Total observation time: 9 hours Official Counter: Hugh Kent Observers: Bob Pettit, Chad Cornish, Cindy Isenhoff, Karen Padbury, Larry Ludwicki, Liz Kent, Noel Herdman, Patrick Tomlinson, Peter Veighey, Steve Wagner Visitors: It was great to see many old friends arriving today to help with observing and counting. A big thanks to Bob, Chad, Cindy, Karen, Larry, Noel, Peter, Patrick and Steve. Also it was nice to see Clay who also helped with observing and letting us all try out various Swarovski binoculars. It was good to meet Danny and David, Helen and Aaron and Charity and other visitors all who showed a great interest in the Hawk Watch. Weather: The day started with a light wind from the north which turned to the south west late morning and increased to moderate. There were scattered clouds of variable cover over the day. The temperature started at about 20c and increased to mid twenties late afternoon as the cloud cover decreased. Visibility was good all day. Raptor Observations: Sharp-shinned Hawks (576) came all day and just pipped Broad-winged Hawks (567) which came in a couple of kettles way off to the north mid morning, just before the wind changed. American Kestrels (85) and Northern Harriers (43) came through in good numbers and Turkey Vultures (52) are on the increase. There were nine Merlins today which is a good daily count for this species, which never fails to entertain. A total of 11 species were seen today. Non-raptor Observations: A good list today with Eastern Meadowlark and Horned Lark new for the season. Seven species of warbler, three of Flycatchers and three of vireos were spotted helping the list up to 58 species. Tree swallows (245) were hawking above the marsh, again good numbers of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (16) zoomed through and the number of ducks on the marsh are slowly increasing with 5 species seen. The list is at Predictions: Tomorrow is Day 1 of the Hawk Fest! Hope to see you all there, together with many Hawks. ======================================================================== Report submitted by Hugh Kent ( Holiday Beach Hawk Watch information may be found at: More site information at