Folks- Observed a 1st cycle gull at the Sault Landfill (restricted access) on Oct 8th, that I believe is a Glaucous-winged X American Herring Gull hybrid or Cook Inlet Gull. Interesting bird for those with an inclination towards this type of thing which I know is not all. I could find a previous record for Waterloo back in 2017-otherwise I am not sure on the status of this taxa in Ontario. I am not too surprised as we have records of the other Pacific NW and Siberian gull taxa (other than Olympic Gull) at this site and I have been expecting it to show up at some point.
I won’t go into the complicated ID process involved in my identification but one can refer to the notes and pictures on the following E-bird checklist
Also posted some pictures and comments on the Advanced Ontario Birding and North American Gull Facebook pages if interesting in commenting.
Kirk Zufelt