May 20 Trip in SRF

Angie Williams
Tue, May 23, 2023 10:02 PM

The OFO trip in Smooth Rock Falls (on hwy 11, about 7 hours north of
Barrie) took place on Saturday, May 20. The weather was delightfully sunny
and warm. Four attendees observed over 40 species of birds, in a few
different boreal habitats. A number of first-of-year birds included Veery,
Brown Creeper, and a very persistently singing (while hiding) Northern
Waterthrush. We were also serenaded by Winter Wrens, Blue-headed Vireos,
Ruby-crowned Kinglets and the ubiquitous White-throated Sparrows. Other
highlights included good views of at least 3 Ruffed Grouse, a pair of
Ring-necked Ducks, and a Pileated Woodpecker swooping across the trail
right in front of us.

Angie Williams

The OFO trip in Smooth Rock Falls (on hwy 11, about 7 hours north of Barrie) took place on Saturday, May 20. The weather was delightfully sunny and warm. Four attendees observed over 40 species of birds, in a few different boreal habitats. A number of first-of-year birds included Veery, Brown Creeper, and a very persistently singing (while hiding) Northern Waterthrush. We were also serenaded by Winter Wrens, Blue-headed Vireos, Ruby-crowned Kinglets and the ubiquitous White-throated Sparrows. Other highlights included good views of at least 3 Ruffed Grouse, a pair of Ring-necked Ducks, and a Pileated Woodpecker swooping across the trail right in front of us. Angie Williams