Kingston Area Birds 16 March 2024 - 22 March 2024

Darren Rayner
Sat, Mar 23, 2024 9:54 AM

Kingston Area Birds 16 March 2024 – 22 March 2024

Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their
sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email  records directly
to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require
review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type
require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or
directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type
may be replaced by asterisks.

Overview: It was an interesting week, with the cold snap that hit the
area as well as the temporary eBird shutdown it made for some interesting
reporting.  There were still some migrants trickling in, while some birds
seem to have moved on.

*Parish Notes:  *

Please note the new email address at the bottom of the report that can be
used to submit observations if you are not using eBird.

Kingston List

celebrity at the Invista Ponds managed to survive the winter and the
outbreak of Avian Flu in the area and was seen at Invista on Mar. 22
grazing on the lawn.

WOOD DUCK – 4 birds were seen in Verona on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Wolfe
Island on Mar. 17; 2 were seen at 104 Hardwood Land on Mar. 17, 2 on Mar.
18; 4 were seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 17; 2 were seen on the K&P Trail
(McIvor to Burbrook) on Mar. 19; 2 were seen at the Helen Quilliam
Sanctuary on Mar. 22

NORTHERN SHOVELLER – 1 bird was seen at Hillview Pond on Mar. 17; 3 were
seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Mar. 19, 4 on Mar. 22

AMERICAN WIGEON – Multiple reports from the Kingston Circle this week.

NORTHERN PINTAIL – Multiple reports from the Kingston Circle this week.

GREEN-WINGED TEAL – Multiple Reports from the Kingston Circle this week.

RING-NECKED DUCK – There were multiple reports from the Kingston Area this

RING-NECKED PHEASANT – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16

PIED-BILLED GREBE – 2 birds were seen on Isle of Man Road on Mar. 16

HORNED GREBE – 2 birds were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Mar. 16

SANDHILL CRANE – 5 were seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at
Long Point/Gravelly Bay Road on Mar. 19; 2 were seen on Florida Road on
Mar. 20, 3 on Mar. 22

KILLDEER – Continuing to increase in numbers throughout the Kingston Circle
this week.

AMERICAN WOODCOCK – 2 birds were seen at the Resource Road Pond on Mar. 16;
1 was seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor to Burbrook) on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at
the Grenville Pine Plantation on Mar. 17

WILSON'S SNIPE – 3 birds were seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen
on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Sharpes Corner Road on Mar. 16;
2 were seen on Brady Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar.

COMMON LOON – 2 birds were seen on McKnight Street on Mar. 17

DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT – 3 birds were seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 16,
1 on Mar. 22; 2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at
Parrott’s Bay Lookout on Mar. 17; 1 was seen near University Avenue on Mar.
20; 1 was seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Mar. 20, 1 on Mar. 21

GREAT BLUE HERON – 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 2 were seen
on Quabbin Road on Mar. 17; 4 birds were seen at Rockport on Mar. 17; 1 was
seen on Old Front Road on Mar. 20; 9 were seen on Florida Road on Mar. 20,
2 on Mar. 22; 2 were seen on County Road 32 on Mar. 20; 1 was seen at 125
Nina’s Lane on Mar. 22; 1 was seen at Thousand Island’s National Park on
Mar. 22

TURKEY VULTURE – Multiple, consistent sightings in the Kingston Circle this

GOLDEN EAGLE – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 17

NORTHERN HARRIER – Still plentiful in the Kingston circle this week.

SHARP-SHINNED HAWK – 1 bird was seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 16; 1 was
seen at Tree Frog Farm on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at Hillview Pond on Mar. 17;
1 was seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 20

COOPER'S HAWK – 2 birds were seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen
at The Napanee Fair Grounds on Mar. 19, 1 on Mar. 21; 1 was seen on Howe
Island on Mar. 22

RED-SHOULDERED HAWK – 1 bird was seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Mar. 16, 1
on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on Mar. 17, 1 on Mar. 21; 1 was
seen at Depot Creek Nature Reserve on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Marble Rock
Road on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22

ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 bird was seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 16; 18 were
counted on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16, 5 on Mar. 17; 4 were seen on Amherst
Island on Mar. 16, 12 on Mar. 17, 4 on Mar. 20, 30 on Mar. 22

TREE SWALLOW – 3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17

BELTED KINGFISHER – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16; 1 was
seen at Little Cataraqui CA on Mar. 17

YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER – 1 bird was seen in Balsam Grove on Mar. 22

NORTHERN FLICKER – 1 bird was seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar.
17; 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17; 3 were seen at
Balsam Grove on Mar. 16, 3 again on Mar. 22; 1 was seen on Patrick Street
on Mar. 19; 1 was seen at The Landings Golf Course on Mar. 19

MERLIN – 1 bird was seen on Queen’s University Campus near University
Avenue on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 20; 1
was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Old Front Road on Mar.
18; 1 was seen on Stephen Street on Mar. 19; 2 were seen on the Cataraqui
Trail in Sydenham on Mar. 19; 1 was seen on Earl Street on Mar. 20; 1 was
seen on Joyce Street on Mar. 21; 1 was seen on the Cataraqui Trail at Perth
Road on Mar. 22

PEREGRINE FALCON – 2 were seen on Queen’s University Campus near University
Avenue on Mar. 20; 1 was seen at Princess Towers on Mar. 22

NORTHERN SHRIKE – 5 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen
on Amherst Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17, 1 on Mar. 20, 1 on Mar. 22; 1
was seen on Sharpes Corners Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at Sand Bay/Russell
Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Babylon Road on Mar. 19; 1 was seen at 1448
Avondale Crescent on Mar. 20; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Mar. 22

HORNED LARK – 4 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17; 1
was seen on Lekx Road on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Mar.
19, 1 on Mar. 22

CAROLINA WREN – 1 bird was seen at Glen Lawrence Woods on Mar. 16; 2 were
seen in Balsam Grove on Mar. 22

NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD – 1 bird was seen on County Road 22 on Mar. 16

EASTERN BLUEBIRD – Continuing to increase in numbers in the Kingston Area
this week.

TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE – 1 bird was continuing on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 16

CEDAR WAXWING – 6 birds were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Mar. 16, 14
on Mar. 20, 11 on Mar. 22; 12 were seen at Cuthill Lane Boat Launch on Mar.
16; 4 were seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 18, 1 on Mar. 19

PURPLE FINCH – 1 bird was seen in Verona on Mar. 16; 1 bird was seen at
Prince Edward Point NWA on Mar. 16; 3 were seen at Cuthill Lane Boat Launch
on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16; 2 were seen at 104
Hardwood Lane on Mar. 17, 2 on Mar. 18; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on
Mar. 19

RED CROSSBILL – 1 bird was seen in Frontenac Park on Mar. 16; 2 were seen
at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22

PINE SISKIN – 2 birds were seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Mar. 18; 6 were
seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22; 4 were seen in Verona on
Mar. 22

SNOW BUNTING – 2 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16

FIELD SPARROW – 2 birds were seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 16

WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW – 1 bird was continuing at a Private Residence East
of Kingston on Mar. 16

EASTERN MEADOWLARK – Consistently being reported from the Kingston Circle
this week.

BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD – 3 birds were seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 16, 1
on Mar. 20, 1 on Mar. 22; 1 was seen on Florida Road on Mar. 16; 40 were
counted on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 4 were seen on Kidd Road North on Mar.
16; 2 were seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 17; 3 were seen at The Napanee
Fair Grounds on Mar. 19; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 19; 1 was
seen on Parrot’s Bay Lane on Mar. 20; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Mar.

In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording
area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings
Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field
Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin
Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked
on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN
members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west
gate and show their membership card to security.

As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings
directly or via eBird.


Darren Rayner

Perth Road, Ontario


Kingston Area Birds 16 March 2024 – 22 March 2024 Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email records directly to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type may be replaced by asterisks. *Overview*: It was an interesting week, with the cold snap that hit the area as well as the temporary eBird shutdown it made for some interesting reporting. There were still some migrants trickling in, while some birds seem to have moved on. *Parish Notes: * *Please note the new email address at the bottom of the report that can be used to submit observations if you are not using eBird.* *Kingston List* **DOMESTIC GREYLAG X DOMESTIC SWAN GOOSE* - *It looks like the local celebrity at the Invista Ponds managed to survive the winter and the outbreak of Avian Flu in the area and was seen at Invista on Mar. 22 grazing on the lawn. WOOD DUCK – 4 birds were seen in Verona on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17; 2 were seen at 104 Hardwood Land on Mar. 17, 2 on Mar. 18; 4 were seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 17; 2 were seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor to Burbrook) on Mar. 19; 2 were seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22 *NORTHERN SHOVELLER* – 1 bird was seen at Hillview Pond on Mar. 17; 3 were seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Mar. 19, 4 on Mar. 22 AMERICAN WIGEON – Multiple reports from the Kingston Circle this week. NORTHERN PINTAIL – Multiple reports from the Kingston Circle this week. GREEN-WINGED TEAL – Multiple Reports from the Kingston Circle this week. RING-NECKED DUCK – There were multiple reports from the Kingston Area this week. RING-NECKED PHEASANT – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16 PIED-BILLED GREBE – 2 birds were seen on Isle of Man Road on Mar. 16 HORNED GREBE – 2 birds were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Mar. 16 SANDHILL CRANE – 5 were seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at Long Point/Gravelly Bay Road on Mar. 19; 2 were seen on Florida Road on Mar. 20, 3 on Mar. 22 KILLDEER – Continuing to increase in numbers throughout the Kingston Circle this week. AMERICAN WOODCOCK – 2 birds were seen at the Resource Road Pond on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor to Burbrook) on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at the Grenville Pine Plantation on Mar. 17 WILSON'S SNIPE – 3 birds were seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Sharpes Corner Road on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Brady Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 22 COMMON LOON – 2 birds were seen on McKnight Street on Mar. 17 DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT – 3 birds were seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 22; 2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at Parrott’s Bay Lookout on Mar. 17; 1 was seen near University Avenue on Mar. 20; 1 was seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Mar. 20, 1 on Mar. 21 GREAT BLUE HERON – 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Quabbin Road on Mar. 17; 4 birds were seen at Rockport on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Old Front Road on Mar. 20; 9 were seen on Florida Road on Mar. 20, 2 on Mar. 22; 2 were seen on County Road 32 on Mar. 20; 1 was seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 22; 1 was seen at Thousand Island’s National Park on Mar. 22 TURKEY VULTURE – Multiple, consistent sightings in the Kingston Circle this week. *GOLDEN EAGLE* – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 17 NORTHERN HARRIER – Still plentiful in the Kingston circle this week. SHARP-SHINNED HAWK – 1 bird was seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at Hillview Pond on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 20 COOPER'S HAWK – 2 birds were seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at The Napanee Fair Grounds on Mar. 19, 1 on Mar. 21; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Mar. 22 *RED-SHOULDERED HAWK* – 1 bird was seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on Mar. 17, 1 on Mar. 21; 1 was seen at Depot Creek Nature Reserve on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 17; 1 was seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 bird was seen on Simcoe Island on Mar. 16; 18 were counted on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16, 5 on Mar. 17; 4 were seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16, 12 on Mar. 17, 4 on Mar. 20, 30 on Mar. 22 TREE SWALLOW – 3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17 BELTED KINGFISHER – 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at Little Cataraqui CA on Mar. 17 YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER – 1 bird was seen in Balsam Grove on Mar. 22 NORTHERN FLICKER – 1 bird was seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17; 3 were seen at Balsam Grove on Mar. 16, 3 again on Mar. 22; 1 was seen on Patrick Street on Mar. 19; 1 was seen at The Landings Golf Course on Mar. 19 MERLIN – 1 bird was seen on Queen’s University Campus near University Avenue on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 20; 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Old Front Road on Mar. 18; 1 was seen on Stephen Street on Mar. 19; 2 were seen on the Cataraqui Trail in Sydenham on Mar. 19; 1 was seen on Earl Street on Mar. 20; 1 was seen on Joyce Street on Mar. 21; 1 was seen on the Cataraqui Trail at Perth Road on Mar. 22 PEREGRINE FALCON – 2 were seen on Queen’s University Campus near University Avenue on Mar. 20; 1 was seen at Princess Towers on Mar. 22 NORTHERN SHRIKE – 5 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17, 1 on Mar. 20, 1 on Mar. 22; 1 was seen on Sharpes Corners Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen at Sand Bay/Russell Road on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Babylon Road on Mar. 19; 1 was seen at 1448 Avondale Crescent on Mar. 20; 1 was seen on Howe Island on Mar. 22 HORNED LARK – 4 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 17; 1 was seen on Lekx Road on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Kaiser Cross Road on Mar. 19, 1 on Mar. 22 CAROLINA WREN – 1 bird was seen at Glen Lawrence Woods on Mar. 16; 2 were seen in Balsam Grove on Mar. 22 NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD – 1 bird was seen on County Road 22 on Mar. 16 EASTERN BLUEBIRD – Continuing to increase in numbers in the Kingston Area this week. *TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE* – 1 bird was continuing on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 16 CEDAR WAXWING – 6 birds were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Mar. 16, 14 on Mar. 20, 11 on Mar. 22; 12 were seen at Cuthill Lane Boat Launch on Mar. 16; 4 were seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 18, 1 on Mar. 19 PURPLE FINCH – 1 bird was seen in Verona on Mar. 16; 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA on Mar. 16; 3 were seen at Cuthill Lane Boat Launch on Mar. 16; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 16; 2 were seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Mar. 17, 2 on Mar. 18; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 19 *RED CROSSBILL* – 1 bird was seen in Frontenac Park on Mar. 16; 2 were seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22 PINE SISKIN – 2 birds were seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Mar. 18; 6 were seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Mar. 22; 4 were seen in Verona on Mar. 22 SNOW BUNTING – 2 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16 FIELD SPARROW – 2 birds were seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 16 WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW – 1 bird was continuing at a Private Residence East of Kingston on Mar. 16 EASTERN MEADOWLARK – Consistently being reported from the Kingston Circle this week. BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD – 3 birds were seen at 125 Nina’s Lane on Mar. 16, 1 on Mar. 20, 1 on Mar. 22; 1 was seen on Florida Road on Mar. 16; 40 were counted on Wolfe Island on Mar. 16; 4 were seen on Kidd Road North on Mar. 16; 2 were seen on Cole Hill Road on Mar. 17; 3 were seen at The Napanee Fair Grounds on Mar. 19; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on Mar. 19; 1 was seen on Parrot’s Bay Lane on Mar. 20; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Mar. 20; In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings Policy <>. Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west gate and show their membership card to security. As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings directly or via eBird. Darren Darren Rayner Perth Road, Ontario Email: