All registered atlassers should have received it already but if you missed
it, the April newsletter is now posted on the Atlas-3 website at
Some of the highlights include:
Next Sappy Hour: everything Point Counts
If you are interested in conducting point counts in person or with a
recording device, you'll want to come to our next Sappy Hour - May 22 at 7
pm. Registration link:
Monthly challenges are back - enter to win Vortex binoculars!
That's right! Keep up-to-date on monthly challenges at
For the May challenge, submit at least ten complete, effort-based
checklists of five minutes duration or longer and with at least one “coded”
species using the NatureCounts app between May 1 and 31 to be entered for a
chance to win a pair of Vortex Diamondback binoculars!
New Atlassing articles
Two new articles, one about Chimney Swifts and the other about Common
Gallinule/American Coot are now up, check them out at
Important notices for people who are conducting point counts this year
There are two important notices for everyone conducting point counts, one
if you're doing them with the NatureCounts app and another for those who
are doing digital point counts.
Upcoming events
There are a whole bunch of regional and provincial events coming up, check
out the kick-off meeting page ( and the square bashes
page ( to find an event near
To read the entire newsletter, see
Mike Burrell
Coordinator, Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas-3