Kingston Area Birds 11 Nov. 2023-17 Nov. 2023

Darren Rayner
Sat, Nov 18, 2023 3:28 PM

Kingston Area Birds 11 November 2023 – 17 November 2023

Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their
sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email  records directly
to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require
review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type
require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or
directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type
may be replaced by asterisks.


We are moving steadily into the winter season. The weather still looks
unseasonably mild for the next couple of weeks so we may have a good
mixture of incoming and outgoing migrants to enjoy.

Parish Notes:

REMINDER! The Owl Woods is closed to birders from Monday 20 November to
Sunday 10 December inclusive. The Owl Woods is privately owned. We thank
the owners for allowing us to go birding on their property and must respect
their request that we stay away at these times.


CACKLING GOOSE-2 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 11

TRUMPETER SWAN-10 birds did a Flyover of the Florida Road Beaver Pond
(Private Property) on Nov. 11; 22 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov.
12; 1 was seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 25 birds were seen on the
Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 3 were seen at
Marble Rock Road on Nov. 15

WOOD DUCK-2 birds were seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Nov. 15; 1
was seen at the Marshlands Conservation Area on Nov. 16; 2 birds were seen
at Belle Park on Nov. 16

NORTHERN SHOVELLER-8 birds were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on
Nov. 12, 20 on Nov. 17; 10 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 8 on
Nov. 15, 8 on Nov. 16; 6 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 3
were seen at the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 25 on Nov. 16; 6 birds
were seen at Little Cataraqui Conservation Area on Nov. 16

GADWALL-There were multiple sightings of these ducks over the week, coming
primarily from around Belle Island and Cataraqui Bay, with a few seen in
areas like Little Cataraqui Conservation Area.  The high counts on the week
were 50 at Belle Park on Nov. 15 and 55 seen at the Montreal Street
Apartments on Nov. 17

AMERICAN WIGEON- 32 were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 12,
150 on Nov. 17; 6 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 1 on Nov. 15; 2
were seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Nov. 13; 35 were found at
Belle Park on Nov. 14, 250 on Nov. 15, 30 on Nov. 16; 9 were counted on
Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 2 birds were seen at English Landing Park on
Nov. 15; 12 birds were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15; a count of 2000
ducks was reported from the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 1500 on Nov.
16; 11 were seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 8 birds were seen in
Landon Bay on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Trailhead Place Pier on Nov. 16

AMERICAN BLACK DUCK-5 were seen at the Marshland CA on Nov. 11; 8 were
found at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11; 3 were seen in
Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 6 on Nov. 15; 32 birds were seen on Amherst
Island on Nov. 14; 1 was seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 2 were seen
at the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at Belle Park on Nov.
15; 7 were seen at Staley Point, Wole Island on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at
Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15; 10 birds were seen at a private residence
near Gananoque on Nov. 14

NORTHERN PINTAIL-16 were seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor Rd – Burbrook Rd.)
on Nov. 11; 2 were seen at The Marshlands CA on Nov. 11; 12 were seen at
the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 12, 15 on Nov. 17; 7 birds were seen
on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 11 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 27 on
Nov. 15; 18 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 15 on Nov. 15, 10 on
Nov. 16; 48 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 10 birds were
seen in the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 4 were seen at the Invista
Pond on Nov. 15; 7 were seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15; 1 was seen
at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 was seen at Trailhead
Place Pier on Nov. 16

GREEN-WINGED TEAL-29 were counted on the K&P Trail (McIvor Rd. – Burbrook
Rd.) on Nov. 11; 11 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 6 were found in
Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 20 on Nov. 15; 7 were seen on Amherst Island on
Nov. 14; 6 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 15, 8 on Nov. 16; 66 birds were
seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15; 2 birds were seen at a private
residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14; 5 were seen at the Montreal Street
Apartments on Nov. 17

REDHEAD-5 were seen on Old Front Road on Nov. 12; 5 were seen on Amherst
Island on Nov. 12; 40 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 10 on Nov. 15, 30
on Nov. 16; 4 birds were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15; 3000 birds were
reported from the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 1000 on Nov. 16

RING-NECKED DUCK-9 were seen at Golden Eye Pond on Nov. 12; 300 were
counted at Crystal Spring Farm on Nov. 13; 200 birds were seen at the
Invista Pond on Nov. 15, 18 on Nov. 16; 20 were seen in the Great Cataraqui
River on Nov. 15; 15 birds were seen at Little Cataraqui Conservation Area
on Nov. 16

GREATER SCAUP-2 birds were seen in Elevator Bay on Nov. 12; 100 were seen
in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 1200 were seen at the Invista Property on Nov.
13, 200 on Nov. 15; 350 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; a count of
around 2000 birds came from Rotary Park on Nov. 15; 80 were seen in Landon
Bay on Nov. 15; 180 were seen at Gray’s Creek Mouth on Nov. 15; 9 were seen
in the Invista Pond on Nov. 16; 30 were seen at the Montreal Street
Apartments on Nov. 17

LESSER SCAUP-45 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14; 17 were seen on Amherst
Island on Nov. 14; 100 were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15; 50 were seen at
the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 8 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 15; 2
were seen on the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15

SURF SCOTER-2 birds were seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov.

WHITE-WINGED SCOTER-3 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11

BLACK SCOTER-No reports from this week.

LONG-TAILED DUCK-5 were seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov.
11; 4 were seen on the Wolfe Island Crossing on Nov. 12; 1 was seen on
Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 7 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14

BUFFLEHEAD-These ducks were plentiful in the circle, primarily around Lake
Ontario.  The high count of 60 on the week came from the Amherstview Sewage
Lagoons on Nov. 13

COMMON GOLDENEYE-1 was seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov.
11; 60 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 50 were seen on Wolfe Island
on Nov. 12; 6 were seen on Old Front Road on Nov. 12, 20 on Nov. 15; 40
were seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 13, 5 on Nov. 15, 17 on Nov. 16;
200 birds were seen at Crystal Spring Farm on Nov. 13; 23 were seen at
Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 15 on Nov. 12, 350 on Nov. 14; 9 were seen at 1
Redden St. on Nov. 14; 28 were seen at Staley Point, Wolfe Island on Nov.
15; 28 were seen in Landon Bay on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Gray’s Creek Mouth
on Nov. 15; 12 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 1

RUDDY DUCK –4 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 5 on Nov. 15

AMERICAN COOT- 5 were seen in Elevator Bay on Nov. 12; 8 were seen at
Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 300 birds were seen on the Great Cataraqui River
on Nov. 15, 500 on Nov. 16; 1 was seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 5
were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 15; 3 were seen at the Montreal Street
Apartments on Nov. 17

PIED-BILLED GREBE-4 were seen in the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 1
was seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 17

HORNED GREBE-7 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14

SANDHILL CRANE-2 birds were seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Nov. 12; the
single bird was still seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; of note, 58 birds
were seen in a field just outside of the Kingston Circle near Forfar on
Nov. 13

BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER-1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11

KILLDEER-1 bird was seen at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on Nov. 11; 3 were
seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 13, 7 on Nov. 16; 2 birds were seen
at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16

WILSON’S SNIPE-5 birds were found at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 14, 2
on Nov. 16

WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER-1 bird was seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov.
13, 4 on Nov. 14, 1 on Nov. 16

GREATER YELLOWLEGS-2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 1 bird was seen
on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12

BONAPARTE’S GULL-2 birds were seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 11
birds were seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Nov. 13; 11 were seen
on the Thousand Islands Parkway on Nov. 15

GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL-1 was seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on
Nov. 11; 1 was seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at
Chimney Island Lookout on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on
Nov. 16

COMMON LOON-1 bird was seen at a private residence in Sydenham on Nov. 11;
6013 were seen on the Wolfe Island Crossing on Nov. 12; 1 was seen on the
Invista Property on Nov. 13; 1 was seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting
Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at Chimney Island Lookout on
Nov. 15; 1 was seen at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 was
seen near Gananoque on Nov. 13

GREAT BLUE HERON-1 was still seen at Tree Frog Woods on Nov. 11; 3 were
seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 1
was seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at the Helen Quilliam
Sanctuary on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 16

GREAT EGRET-1 was still seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor Rd – Burbrook Rd.)
on Nov. 11

NORTHERN HARRIER-1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11, 3 on Nov. 12, 1 on
Nov. 13; 1 was seen near Lemoines Point on Nov. 12 and again on Nov. 15; 6
were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 12, 6 on Nov. 14

BALD EAGLE-1 bird was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 2 birds were
seen on the Wolfe Island Crossing on Nov. 12; 2 were seen on Wolfe Island
on Nov. 12; 1 was found on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 14; 2 were
seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 1
was seen at Staley Point, Wolfe Island on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Chimney
Island Lookout on Nov. 15; 1 bird was seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov.

SHARP-SHINNED HAWK-1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14

COOPER’S HAWK- 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at
Belle Park on Nov. 14; 1 bird was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 15;
1 was seen at 896 Percy Crescent on Nov. 17

RED-SHOULDERED HAWK-1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11

ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK-1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 3 birds were seen
on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 3 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 5 on
Nov. 12, 4 on Nov. 14

BELTED KINGFISHER-1 was seen on Sand Bay Lane on Nov. 12; 2 birds were seen
at Rotary Park on Nov. 15

NORTHERN FLICKER-1 bird was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 1 bird
was seen at 1448 Avondale Crescent on Nov. 11; 1 was seen West of Collins
Creek on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at Old Front Road on Nov. 13, 1 on Nov. 14; 1
was seen in the Glen Lawrence Woods on Nov. 13

AMERICAN KESTREL-1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12, 1 on the Nov.
13; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 2 on Nov. 14

MERLIN-1 bird was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at
English Landing Park on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at the Invista Property on Nov.

PEREGRINE FALCON-1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14

TUFTED TITMOUSE –2 birds were reported from 51 Gananoque Lake Road on Nov.

RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH-1 was seen on the K&P Trail (Round Lake Road) on Nov.
11; 1 was seen at Shannon’s Corners on Nov. 11; 1 bird was seen at
Frontenac Provincial Park on Nov. 12

BROWN CREEPER-Still multiple sightings of these little birds from all over
the circle throughout the week.

CAROLINA WREN –1 bird was seen at a private residence on Montreal Street on
Nov. 11; 1 bird was found at Belle Park on Nov. 14

RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET-1 bird was seen at the Ivy Lea Campground on Nov. 15;
1 was seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16

NORTHERN SHRIKE-2 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 12; 1 was seen
at Staley Point, Wolfe Island on Nov. 15

EASTERN BLUEBIRD –1 was seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 12

TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE-a rare sighting of a single bird was made at 1726
Burbrook Road on Nov. 11 (be aware this is a private residence)

GRAY CATBIRD-1 was seen at Sacket’s Harbor Battlefield SP in Jefferson,
NY on Nov. 11; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11

HERMIT THRUSH-1 was found on the K&P Trail (Round Lake Road) on Nov. 11; 1
was seen on Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 bird was seen
West of Collins Creek on Nov. 15

AMERICAN PIPIT-2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at Wilton
Creek in Morven on Nov. 16

HOUSE FINCH-2 were seen in Barriefield on Nov. 11; 5 were seen at 1448
Avondale Crescent on Nov. 11. 4 on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at 1726 Bur Brook
Road on Nov. 12; 2 were seen at 896 Percy Crescent on Nov. 12, 2 on Nov.
13, 2 on Nov. 14; 4 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12, 6 on Nov. 13; 2
were seen at 164 Liddell Crescent on Nov. 12; 6 were seen at 337 Button Bay
Road on Nov. 11, Nov. 12; 8 were seen at a private residence on Montreal
Street on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at the Westbrook Storm Water Ponds on Nov.
13; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 2 were seen at a Private
Residence in Portsmouth on Nov. 14; 12 were seen at a private residence
near Gananoque on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point on Nov. 16; 25 were
seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 16; 1 was seen at the Marshlands
Conservation Area on Nov. 16; 2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov.

PURPLE FINCH-16 birds were found at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 4 on
Nov. 12; 9 birds were found West of Collins Creek on Nov. 12; 1 bird was
seen at 67 Alwington Ave. on Nov. 12; 4 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov.
11; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on Nov. 15

PINE SISKIN-1 bird was seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at
Tree Frog Farm on Nov. 11; 2 were seen at Frontenac Provincial Park on Nov.
12; 2 were seen at the Marshlands on Nov. 13

SNOW BUNTING-1 was seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11;
12 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 25 birds were seen on Amherst
Island on Nov. 11, 26 on Nov. 14; 25 were counted at Gray’s Creek Mouth on
Nov. 15

CHIPPING SPARROW-1 bird was seen on Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on
Nov. 14, 1 on Nov. 15

FOX SPARROW-7 birds were found at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 4 on
Nov. 12; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14

WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW-1 was seen at a private residence on Montreal Street
on Nov. 11; 6 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 6 birds were seen on
Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on Nov. 14

WHITE-THROATED SPARROW-2 were seen at a private residence on Montreal
Street on Nov. 11; 1 was seen on Old Front Road on Nov. 12; 3 were found at
67 Alwington Ave. on Nov. 12, 2 on Nov. 16; 1 was seen at Glen Lawrence
Woods on Nov. 13; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at
the Marshlands on Nov. 13, 3 on Nov. 16; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road NE
of Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point on Nov. 16

SONG SPARROW-1 bird was seen at Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 2 birds were seen
at 337 Button Bay Road on Nov. 12, 1 on Nov. 13; 2 were seen at the
Marshlands on Nov. 13, 2 on Nov. 16

RUSTY BLACKBIRD-1 bird was located at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 10

COMMON GRACKLE-3 were seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 4 were seen
at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at a private
residence on Montreal Street on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at Glen Lawrence Woods
on Nov. 14

COMMON YELLOWTHROAT-1 bird was spotted at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons
on Nov. 13

YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER-2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16

In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording
area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings
Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field
Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin
Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked
on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN
members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west
gate and show their membership card to security.

As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings
directly or via eBird.


Darren Rayner

Perth Road, Ontario


*Kingston Area Birds 11 November 2023 – 17 November 2023* Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email records directly to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type may be replaced by asterisks. *Overview*: We are moving steadily into the winter season. The weather still looks unseasonably mild for the next couple of weeks so we may have a good mixture of incoming and outgoing migrants to enjoy. *Parish Notes:* REMINDER! The Owl Woods is closed to birders from Monday 20 November to Sunday 10 December inclusive. The Owl Woods is privately owned. We thank the owners for allowing us to go birding on their property and must respect their request that we stay away at these times. *Highlights:* CACKLING GOOSE-2 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 11 TRUMPETER SWAN-10 birds did a Flyover of the Florida Road Beaver Pond (Private Property) on Nov. 11; 22 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 1 was seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 25 birds were seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 3 were seen at Marble Rock Road on Nov. 15 WOOD DUCK-2 birds were seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at the Marshlands Conservation Area on Nov. 16; 2 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 16 NORTHERN SHOVELLER-8 birds were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 12, 20 on Nov. 17; 10 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 8 on Nov. 15, 8 on Nov. 16; 6 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 3 were seen at the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 25 on Nov. 16; 6 birds were seen at Little Cataraqui Conservation Area on Nov. 16 GADWALL-There were multiple sightings of these ducks over the week, coming primarily from around Belle Island and Cataraqui Bay, with a few seen in areas like Little Cataraqui Conservation Area. The high counts on the week were 50 at Belle Park on Nov. 15 and 55 seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 17 AMERICAN WIGEON- 32 were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 12, 150 on Nov. 17; 6 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 1 on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Nov. 13; 35 were found at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 250 on Nov. 15, 30 on Nov. 16; 9 were counted on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 2 birds were seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 15; 12 birds were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15; a count of 2000 ducks was reported from the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 1500 on Nov. 16; 11 were seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 8 birds were seen in Landon Bay on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Trailhead Place Pier on Nov. 16 AMERICAN BLACK DUCK-5 were seen at the Marshland CA on Nov. 11; 8 were found at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11; 3 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 6 on Nov. 15; 32 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 1 was seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 15; 7 were seen at Staley Point, Wole Island on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15; 10 birds were seen at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14 NORTHERN PINTAIL-16 were seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor Rd – Burbrook Rd.) on Nov. 11; 2 were seen at The Marshlands CA on Nov. 11; 12 were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 12, 15 on Nov. 17; 7 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 11 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 27 on Nov. 15; 18 birds were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 15 on Nov. 15, 10 on Nov. 16; 48 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 10 birds were seen in the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 4 were seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 7 were seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 was seen at Trailhead Place Pier on Nov. 16 GREEN-WINGED TEAL-29 were counted on the K&P Trail (McIvor Rd. – Burbrook Rd.) on Nov. 11; 11 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 6 were found in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 20 on Nov. 15; 7 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 6 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 15, 8 on Nov. 16; 66 birds were seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15; 2 birds were seen at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14; 5 were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 17 REDHEAD-5 were seen on Old Front Road on Nov. 12; 5 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 12; 40 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14, 10 on Nov. 15, 30 on Nov. 16; 4 birds were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15; 3000 birds were reported from the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 1000 on Nov. 16 RING-NECKED DUCK-9 were seen at Golden Eye Pond on Nov. 12; 300 were counted at Crystal Spring Farm on Nov. 13; 200 birds were seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15, 18 on Nov. 16; 20 were seen in the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 15 birds were seen at Little Cataraqui Conservation Area on Nov. 16 GREATER SCAUP-2 birds were seen in Elevator Bay on Nov. 12; 100 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 1200 were seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 13, 200 on Nov. 15; 350 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; a count of around 2000 birds came from Rotary Park on Nov. 15; 80 were seen in Landon Bay on Nov. 15; 180 were seen at Gray’s Creek Mouth on Nov. 15; 9 were seen in the Invista Pond on Nov. 16; 30 were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 17 LESSER SCAUP-45 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14; 17 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; 100 were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15; 50 were seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 8 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 15; 2 were seen on the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15 SURF SCOTER-2 birds were seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER-3 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11 BLACK SCOTER-No reports from this week. LONG-TAILED DUCK-5 were seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11; 4 were seen on the Wolfe Island Crossing on Nov. 12; 1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 7 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14 BUFFLEHEAD-These ducks were plentiful in the circle, primarily around Lake Ontario. The high count of 60 on the week came from the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Nov. 13 COMMON GOLDENEYE-1 was seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11; 60 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 50 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 6 were seen on Old Front Road on Nov. 12, 20 on Nov. 15; 40 were seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 13, 5 on Nov. 15, 17 on Nov. 16; 200 birds were seen at Crystal Spring Farm on Nov. 13; 23 were seen at Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 15 on Nov. 12, 350 on Nov. 14; 9 were seen at 1 Redden St. on Nov. 14; 28 were seen at Staley Point, Wolfe Island on Nov. 15; 28 were seen in Landon Bay on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Gray’s Creek Mouth on Nov. 15; 12 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 1 RUDDY DUCK –4 were seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12, 5 on Nov. 15 AMERICAN COOT- 5 were seen in Elevator Bay on Nov. 12; 8 were seen at Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 300 birds were seen on the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15, 500 on Nov. 16; 1 was seen at the Invista Pond on Nov. 15; 5 were seen at Belle Park on Nov. 15; 3 were seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 17 PIED-BILLED GREBE-4 were seen in the Great Cataraqui River on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at the Montreal Street Apartments on Nov. 17 HORNED GREBE-7 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14 *SANDHILL CRANE*-2 birds were seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on Nov. 12; the single bird was still seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14; *of note, 58 birds were seen in a field just outside of the Kingston Circle near Forfar on Nov. 13* BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER-1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11 *KILLDEER*-1 bird was seen at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on Nov. 11; 3 were seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 13, 7 on Nov. 16; 2 birds were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16 WILSON’S SNIPE-5 birds were found at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 14, 2 on Nov. 16 *WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER*-1 bird was seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 13, 4 on Nov. 14, 1 on Nov. 16 GREATER YELLOWLEGS-2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12 BONAPARTE’S GULL-2 birds were seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 11 birds were seen at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Nov. 13; 11 were seen on the Thousand Islands Parkway on Nov. 15 GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL-1 was seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at Chimney Island Lookout on Nov. 15; 2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16 COMMON LOON-1 bird was seen at a private residence in Sydenham on Nov. 11; 6013 were seen on the Wolfe Island Crossing on Nov. 12; 1 was seen on the Invista Property on Nov. 13; 1 was seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at Chimney Island Lookout on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 was seen near Gananoque on Nov. 13 GREAT BLUE HERON-1 was still seen at Tree Frog Woods on Nov. 11; 3 were seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 1 was seen in Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 16 *GREAT EGRET*-1 was still seen on the K&P Trail (McIvor Rd – Burbrook Rd.) on Nov. 11 NORTHERN HARRIER-1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11, 3 on Nov. 12, 1 on Nov. 13; 1 was seen near Lemoines Point on Nov. 12 and again on Nov. 15; 6 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 12, 6 on Nov. 14 BALD EAGLE-1 bird was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 2 birds were seen on the Wolfe Island Crossing on Nov. 12; 2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 1 was found on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 14; 2 were seen on the Cataraqui Trail (Botting Road to McFadden Road) on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at Staley Point, Wolfe Island on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Chimney Island Lookout on Nov. 15; 1 bird was seen at Gray’s Beach Lookout on Nov. 15 SHARP-SHINNED HAWK-1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14 COOPER’S HAWK- 1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at Belle Park on Nov. 14; 1 bird was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at 896 Percy Crescent on Nov. 17 RED-SHOULDERED HAWK-1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK-1 was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 3 birds were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12; 3 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 5 on Nov. 12, 4 on Nov. 14 BELTED KINGFISHER-1 was seen on Sand Bay Lane on Nov. 12; 2 birds were seen at Rotary Park on Nov. 15 NORTHERN FLICKER-1 bird was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 1 bird was seen at 1448 Avondale Crescent on Nov. 11; 1 was seen West of Collins Creek on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at Old Front Road on Nov. 13, 1 on Nov. 14; 1 was seen in the Glen Lawrence Woods on Nov. 13 AMERICAN KESTREL-1 bird was seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12, 1 on the Nov. 13; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 2 on Nov. 14 MERLIN-1 bird was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 16 *PEREGRINE FALCON*-1 bird was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14 TUFTED TITMOUSE –2 birds were reported from 51 Gananoque Lake Road on Nov. 15 RED-BREASTED NUTHATCH-1 was seen on the K&P Trail (Round Lake Road) on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at Shannon’s Corners on Nov. 11; 1 bird was seen at Frontenac Provincial Park on Nov. 12 BROWN CREEPER-Still multiple sightings of these little birds from all over the circle throughout the week. CAROLINA WREN –1 bird was seen at a private residence on Montreal Street on Nov. 11; 1 bird was found at Belle Park on Nov. 14 RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET-1 bird was seen at the Ivy Lea Campground on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16 NORTHERN SHRIKE-2 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at Staley Point, Wolfe Island on Nov. 15 EASTERN BLUEBIRD –1 was seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 12 *TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE*-a rare sighting of a single bird was made at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11 (be aware this is a private residence) *GRAY CATBIRD*-1 was seen at Sacket’s Harbor Battlefield SP in Jefferson, NY on Nov. 11; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11 HERMIT THRUSH-1 was found on the K&P Trail (Round Lake Road) on Nov. 11; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 bird was seen West of Collins Creek on Nov. 15 AMERICAN PIPIT-2 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at Wilton Creek in Morven on Nov. 16 HOUSE FINCH-2 were seen in Barriefield on Nov. 11; 5 were seen at 1448 Avondale Crescent on Nov. 11. 4 on Nov. 13; 1 was seen at 1726 Bur Brook Road on Nov. 12; 2 were seen at 896 Percy Crescent on Nov. 12, 2 on Nov. 13, 2 on Nov. 14; 4 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 12, 6 on Nov. 13; 2 were seen at 164 Liddell Crescent on Nov. 12; 6 were seen at 337 Button Bay Road on Nov. 11, Nov. 12; 8 were seen at a private residence on Montreal Street on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at the Westbrook Storm Water Ponds on Nov. 13; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 2 were seen at a Private Residence in Portsmouth on Nov. 14; 12 were seen at a private residence near Gananoque on Nov. 15; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point on Nov. 16; 25 were seen at the Invista Property on Nov. 16; 1 was seen at the Marshlands Conservation Area on Nov. 16; 2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16 PURPLE FINCH-16 birds were found at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 4 on Nov. 12; 9 birds were found West of Collins Creek on Nov. 12; 1 bird was seen at 67 Alwington Ave. on Nov. 12; 4 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road on Nov. 15 PINE SISKIN-1 bird was seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on Nov. 11; 2 were seen at Frontenac Provincial Park on Nov. 12; 2 were seen at the Marshlands on Nov. 13 SNOW BUNTING-1 was seen at the Wolfe Island Winter Ferry Dock on Nov. 11; 12 were seen on Wolfe Island on Nov. 11; 25 birds were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11, 26 on Nov. 14; 25 were counted at Gray’s Creek Mouth on Nov. 15 *CHIPPING SPARROW*-1 bird was seen on Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on Nov. 14, 1 on Nov. 15 *FOX SPARROW*-7 birds were found at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 4 on Nov. 12; 1 was seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 14 WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW-1 was seen at a private residence on Montreal Street on Nov. 11; 6 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 6 birds were seen on Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on Nov. 14 WHITE-THROATED SPARROW-2 were seen at a private residence on Montreal Street on Nov. 11; 1 was seen on Old Front Road on Nov. 12; 3 were found at 67 Alwington Ave. on Nov. 12, 2 on Nov. 16; 1 was seen at Glen Lawrence Woods on Nov. 13; 2 were seen on Amherst Island on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at the Marshlands on Nov. 13, 3 on Nov. 16; 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road NE of Gananoque on Nov. 14; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point on Nov. 16 SONG SPARROW-1 bird was seen at Cataraqui Bay on Nov. 12; 2 birds were seen at 337 Button Bay Road on Nov. 12, 1 on Nov. 13; 2 were seen at the Marshlands on Nov. 13, 2 on Nov. 16 RUSTY BLACKBIRD-1 bird was located at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 10 COMMON GRACKLE-3 were seen at English Landing Park on Nov. 11; 4 were seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on Nov. 11, 1 on Nov. 12; 1 was seen at a private residence on Montreal Street on Nov. 11; 1 was seen at Glen Lawrence Woods on Nov. 14 *COMMON YELLOWTHROAT*-1 bird was spotted at the Amherstview Sewage Lagoons on Nov. 13 YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER-2 were seen at Heritage Point in Bath on Nov. 16 In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings Policy <>. Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west gate and show their membership card to security. As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings directly or via eBird. Darren Darren Rayner Perth Road, Ontario Email: