Point Pelee Festival of Birds Migration Update May 8th

Point Pelee
Wed, May 8, 2024 3:32 PM

It has been another busy day in the park for visitors and birds.
Like yesterday, most birds have been high up in the canopy, and warbler and
other songbird diversity remains high.
So far this morning, at least 24 warbler species have been reported.

At the tip this morning, two LITTLE GULLS were noted among hundreds of
present. Not much reserve migration, but a few INDIGO BUNTINGS, BALTIMORE
ORIOLES and ORCHARD ORIOLES were observed flying off.

The Redbud trail was "birdy", with HOODED and WILSON'S WARBLER reported. A
WHITE-EYED VIREO was seen on Woodland Nature Trail, and nearby in Post
Woods there was a YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO.

The Tilden and Shuster Trail was also busy, with many species of warbler

Up in the north end of the park, a LE CONTE’S SPARROW was reported at the
Sanctuary parking lot.

Good Birding,

Alan Watson, Aaron Brisebois, Chris Earley, Dale Wenger, Dana Latour, Emma
Burbidge, Eric Baldo, Gabriel Foley, Jean Iron, Justin Peter, Kyle Horner,
Mike Kent, Pete Read, Quinten Wiegersma, Stewart MacDonald, Tim Arthur,
William Konze

The 2024 Festival of Birds runs May 1 - 22. For a detailed Schedule visit

The Festival is brought to you by Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park
and the Friends of Point Pelee.  Hikes are generously supported by Quest
Nature Tours. Shorebird Viewing Nights are brought to you in partnership
with Ontario Field Ornithologists and Essex Region Conversation Authority
and Pelee Wings Nature Store.

It has been another busy day in the park for visitors and birds. Like yesterday, most birds have been high up in the canopy, and warbler and other songbird diversity remains high. So far this morning, at least 24 warbler species have been reported. At the tip this morning, two LITTLE GULLS were noted among hundreds of BONAPARTE’S GULLS. A first summer LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL was also present. Not much reserve migration, but a few INDIGO BUNTINGS, BALTIMORE ORIOLES and ORCHARD ORIOLES were observed flying off. The Redbud trail was "birdy", with HOODED and WILSON'S WARBLER reported. A WHITE-EYED VIREO was seen on Woodland Nature Trail, and nearby in Post Woods there was a YELLOW-BILLED CUCKOO. The Tilden and Shuster Trail was also busy, with many species of warbler including GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER. Up in the north end of the park, a LE CONTE’S SPARROW was reported at the Sanctuary parking lot. -- Good Birding, Alan Watson, Aaron Brisebois, Chris Earley, Dale Wenger, Dana Latour, Emma Burbidge, Eric Baldo, Gabriel Foley, Jean Iron, Justin Peter, Kyle Horner, Mike Kent, Pete Read, Quinten Wiegersma, Stewart MacDonald, Tim Arthur, William Konze The 2024 Festival of Birds runs May 1 - 22. For a detailed Schedule visit festivalofbirds.ca The Festival is brought to you by Parks Canada - Point Pelee National Park and the Friends of Point Pelee. Hikes are generously supported by Quest Nature Tours. Shorebird Viewing Nights are brought to you in partnership with Ontario Field Ornithologists and Essex Region Conversation Authority and Pelee Wings Nature Store.