Ottawa/Gatineau: recent sightings to June 06, 2024

Derek Dunnett
Fri, Jun 7, 2024 1:49 AM

Ottawa/Gatineau: recent sightings to June 06, 2024
Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club (OFNC)
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Derek Dunnett at

A very accommodating Little Gull performing off Britannia Point.

Trumpeter Swan (2) Jun 06, Moodie Drive Quarry, Ottawa.  (1) Jun01,
Stonecrest Rd, Ottawa.

Lesser Scaup (1) Jun 01, Piste cyc. Sentier des Voyageurs--Pont
Champlain<-->Parc des Rapides-Deschênes, Gatineau.

White-winged Scoter (20) Jun 03, Britannia Point, Ottawa.

Common Goldeneye (1) Jun 05, Bate Island, Ottawa.

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1) May 31-Jun 03, Ch Carnochan, Chelsea, Les

Lesser Yellowlegs (2) Jun 06,  Fourth Line Rd and Callendor Rd flooded
fields, Ottawa.

Greater Yellowlegs (2) Jun 04, Fourth Line Rd and Callendor Rd flooded
fields, Ottawa.

Little Gull (1) Jun 04-05, Britannia CA--Filtration Plant/Point, Ottawa.
"1st year, dark M on back."

Lesser Black-backed Gull (4)  Moodie Drive Quarry, Ottawa.

Caspian Tern (1) Jun 05,  Britannia CA--Filtration Plant/Point, Ottawa.
Caspian Tern  (1) May31, Andrew Haydon Park, Ottawa.

Arctic Tern (3) Jun 04, Britannia CA (general location), Ottawa.

Red-headed Woodpecker (2) Goodin St, Ottawa.

Yellow-throated Vireo (1) Jun 03-06, Sheila McKee Park, Ottawa. (1) Jun
03-04, Malakoff Rd, Ottawa.  Jun 01, Greenbelt Pathway W (S of Carling
Ave), Ottawa.  (1) May 31, Stonecrest Ottawa.

Northern Mockingbird (1), Ottawa International Airport, Ottawa.

Blue-winged Warbler (1)  Burnt Lands Provincial Park, Ottawa.

Brewster's Warbler (hybrid) continues, Extrémité Ch. de l'Hôtel de Ville,
Luskville, Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais.

Lincoln's Sparrow (1) Jun 01, Mer Bleue Bog at Anderson Road, Ottawa.

Hooded Warbler  (1)  Jun 02,  Parc de la Gatineau, sentier 53, Les

Northern Parula (1) Jun 05, Dunrobin Road, Ottawa.

Atlas note:

Peak bird breeding period in Southern Ontario continues until 10 July.  If
you are out and about, remember that almost every bird you encounter can be
added to the Third Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas: a once in a generation
province-wide community-science effort to provide data that will help shape
conservation efforts for years to come.

Every observation is welcome and valued: whether a bird seen or heard in
appropriate habitat (possible breeding) through to a bird carrying nesting
material or food (confirmed breeding).

Many observers have now switched their bird reporting from the eBird app to
the Nature Counts atlassing app.  It is a simple and efficient way to add
your sightings to the Atlas project and it can be configured to
automatically and seamlessly share your Atlas observations with your eBird

For more information on the Atlas, please visit or
contact the Ottawa Regional Coordinator at

Ottawa/Gatineau: recent sightings to June 06, 2024 Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club (OFNC) Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec Compiler: Derek Dunnett at A very accommodating Little Gull performing off Britannia Point. Trumpeter Swan (2) Jun 06, Moodie Drive Quarry, Ottawa. (1) Jun01, Stonecrest Rd, Ottawa. Lesser Scaup (1) Jun 01, Piste cyc. Sentier des Voyageurs--Pont Champlain<-->Parc des Rapides-Deschênes, Gatineau. White-winged Scoter (20) Jun 03, Britannia Point, Ottawa. Common Goldeneye (1) Jun 05, Bate Island, Ottawa. Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1) May 31-Jun 03, Ch Carnochan, Chelsea, Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais. Lesser Yellowlegs (2) Jun 06, Fourth Line Rd and Callendor Rd flooded fields, Ottawa. Greater Yellowlegs (2) Jun 04, Fourth Line Rd and Callendor Rd flooded fields, Ottawa. Little Gull (1) Jun 04-05, Britannia CA--Filtration Plant/Point, Ottawa. "1st year, dark M on back." Lesser Black-backed Gull (4) Moodie Drive Quarry, Ottawa. Caspian Tern (1) Jun 05, Britannia CA--Filtration Plant/Point, Ottawa. Caspian Tern (1) May31, Andrew Haydon Park, Ottawa. Arctic Tern (3) Jun 04, Britannia CA (general location), Ottawa. Red-headed Woodpecker (2) Goodin St, Ottawa. Yellow-throated Vireo (1) Jun 03-06, Sheila McKee Park, Ottawa. (1) Jun 03-04, Malakoff Rd, Ottawa. Jun 01, Greenbelt Pathway W (S of Carling Ave), Ottawa. (1) May 31, Stonecrest Ottawa. Northern Mockingbird (1), Ottawa International Airport, Ottawa. Blue-winged Warbler (1) Burnt Lands Provincial Park, Ottawa. Brewster's Warbler (hybrid) continues, Extrémité Ch. de l'Hôtel de Ville, Luskville, Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais. Lincoln's Sparrow (1) Jun 01, Mer Bleue Bog at Anderson Road, Ottawa. Hooded Warbler (1) Jun 02, Parc de la Gatineau, sentier 53, Les Collines-de-l'Outaouais. Northern Parula (1) Jun 05, Dunrobin Road, Ottawa. Atlas note: Peak bird breeding period in Southern Ontario continues until 10 July. If you are out and about, remember that almost every bird you encounter can be added to the Third Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas: a once in a generation province-wide community-science effort to provide data that will help shape conservation efforts for years to come. Every observation is welcome and valued: whether a bird seen or heard in appropriate habitat (possible breeding) through to a bird carrying nesting material or food (confirmed breeding). Many observers have now switched their bird reporting from the eBird app to the Nature Counts atlassing app. It is a simple and efficient way to add your sightings to the Atlas project and it can be configured to automatically and seamlessly share your Atlas observations with your eBird account. For more information on the Atlas, please visit or contact the Ottawa Regional Coordinator at