Kingston Area Birds 4 May 2024 – 10 May 2024
Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintain records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their
sightings with ‘Kingston FN’. Alternatively, please email records directly
to me – contact details below. Please note that some sightings may require
review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise. Species in bold type
require completion of a rare bird report available on the KFN website or
directly from me. If indicated, an OBRC report may be required instead ( Some iPhone users report that bold type
may be replaced by asterisks.
Overview: Another great week of migration keeps bringing in the new
birds. The weather has been cooperative as well. With the spring round up
next weekend we should have some great reports for the next couple of weeks.
*Parish Notes: *I am continuing to report the rarities that come through
on the ebird rare bird reports to keep the list to a reasonable size.
Please continue to send in your reports and your emails.
Please note the new email address at the bottom of the report that can be
used to submit observations if you are not using eBird.
Kingston List
BRANT – 120 birds were seen on the K&P Trail (Sydenham to McIvor) on May 4;
85 were seen at the Landings Golf Course on May 4; 258 were seen at Lemoine
Point on May 8
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – 1 bird was reported from Lekx Road (L&G) on May 4,
1 on May 5, 1 on May 6, 1 on May 7
SEMI-PALMATED PLOVER – 3 birds were seen on Lekx Road (L&G) on May 4, 2 on
May 5, 1 on May 6; 2 were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 4; 4
were seen on Wolfe Island on May 9; 1 was seen at Marble Rock Conservation
Area (L&G) on May 10;
SOLITARY SANDPIPER – 1 bird was seen on Lekx Road (L&G) on May 4, 2 on May
5; 1 was seen on Chaffey’s Lock Road (L&G) on May 4; 7 were reported from
Morton (L&G) on May 4; 1 was seen on the Burbrook Road Trail on May 4; 1
was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 4
LEAST SANDPIPER – 3 birds were seen on Lekx Road (L&G) on May 4, 18 on May
6, 32 on May 7, 12 on May 8; 4 were seen on Wolfe Island on May 4
SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER – 1 bird was seen at Graham Road Marsh on May 10
COMMON NIGHTHAWK – 1 bird was seen at Tree Frog Farm on May 10
BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO – 1 bird was seen on Traverse Lane (L&A) on May 7;
RED-HEADED WOODPECKER - 1 bird was seen on Hinch Road (L&A) on May 7;
EASTERN WOOD PEWEE – 1 bird was seen at Chaumont Barrens Nature Preserve,
Henderson, NY (JC) on May 6; 1 was seen at QUBS on May 8; 1 was seen at 900
Spruce Lane (L&G) on May 9; 2 were seen on the K&P Trail (Murton Road to
Harrowsmith) on May 9; 1 was seen at 3053 Freeman Road on May 10; 1 was
seen at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on May 10
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER – 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May
SWAINSON’S THRUSH – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May
6; 1 was seen at 104 Hardwood Lane on May 7; 1 was seen on Fuller Road on
May 7; 1 was seen at 67 Alwington Avenue on May 7; 2 were seen at Lemoine
Point on May 8
TUFTED TITMOUSE – 1 bird was seen on Montreal Street on May 5, 1 on May 6,
1 on May 10
CAROLINA WREN – 1 bird was seen on Bayview Drive (L&A) on May 6
PHILADELPHIA VIREO – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on
May 7, 1 on May 8
RED-EYED VIREO – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 4,
1 on May 6; 6 were seen on Opinicon Road on May 4; 2 were seen at QUBS on
May 4; 2 were seen on Sand Hill Road on May 4; 1 was seen at 104 Harwood
Lane on May 4; 3 were seen at Charleston Lake Provincial Park (L&G) on May 6
LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH – 1 bird was seen on Canoe Lake Road on May 9
GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER - 1 bird was seen on County Road 11 (L&G) on May 4,
1 on May 5; 1 was seen on County Road 32 (L&G) on May 4, 1 on May 6; 1 was
seen on Long Point Road (L&G) on May 4, 1 on May 6, 1 on May 7; 1 was seen
on Traverse Lane (PEC) on May 4; 1 was seen at Depot Creek Nature Reserve
on May 4; 1 was seen at QUBS on May 4; 1 was seen at 124 Ellisville Road
(L&G) on May 6, 1 on May 7; 1 was seen on Jones Falls Road (L&G) on May 6;
2 were seen on Gananoque Lake Road (L&G) on May 6; 1 was seen at Prince
Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 6
BLUE-WINGED WARBLER – 1 bird was seen on Eden Grove Road (L&G) on May 6; 1
was seen on Murphy Road (L&A) on May 7; 1 was seen on Fuller Road on May 7;
1 was seen at Lemoine Point on May 8
BREWSTER’S WARBLER – 1 was seen on Marble Rock Road (L&G) on May 4, 1on May
6; 1 was seen on Jones Falls Road (L&G) on May 6
TENNESSEE WARBLER – 1 bird was seen on Opinicon Road on May 4
ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER – 2 birds were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC)
on May 4
MOURNING WARBLER – 1 bird was seen north of Verona on May 9
CAPE MAY WARBLER – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May
4; 2 were seen at Rotary Park on May 4; 1 was seen on Opinicon Road on May
4; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on May 4
MAGNOLIA WARBLER – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May
4, 1 on May 6, 1 on May 7; 1 was seen on the Burbrook Road Trail on May 4;
1 was seen at 1726 Burbrook Road on May 4; 1 was seen at 5545 Perth Road
Crescent on May 5; 1 was seen on Murphy Road (L&A) on May 7; 1 was seen at
164 Liddell Crescent on May 7; 2 were seen at Rotary Park on May 7; 1 was
seen on Parrott’s Bay Lane (L&A) on May 7; 1 was seen at 67 Alwington
Avenue on May 7
BAY-BREASTED WARBLER – 1 bird was seen at Rotary Park on May 4, 2 on May 9;
3 were seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 7, 2 on May 8; 2 were
seen at Lemoine Point on May 8, 2 on May 9; 1 was seen at 203 Fitzsimmons
Road (L&G) on May 9; 1 was seen at The Marshlands on May 9; 2 were seen at
Tree Frog Farm on May 9; 1 was seen West of Collin’s Creek on May 9; 1 was
seen at 67 Alwington Avenue on May 8
BLACKPOLL WARBLER – 1 bird was seen at Rotary Park on May 4; 1 was seen on
Amherst Island (L&A) on May 6; 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC)
on May 7; 1 was seen at The Marshlands on May 8
PRAIRIE WARBLER – 1 bird was seen on County Road 11 (L&G) on May 4, 1 on
May 5; 2 were seen on Jones Falls Road (L&G) on May 6; 1 was seen at
Lemoine Point on May 8; 1 was seen on Jones Falls Road (L&G) on May 9; 1
was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 9
GRASSHOPPER SPARROW - 3 birds were seen on Sand Hill Road on May 4, 4 on
May 5, 5 on May 9, 4 on May 10; 1 was seen on Lekx Road (L&G) on May 8;
RED CROSSBILL* – *2 were seen at QUBS on May 4; 4 were seen at Tree Frog
Farm on May 4; 4 were seen on Tett Crescent on May 4
SCARLET TANAGER – 1 bird was seen on County Road 32 (L&G) on May 4; 1 was
seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 4; 7 were seen on Opinicon
Road on May 4; 3 were seen at QUBS on May 4; 1 was seen on Sand Hill Road
on May 4; 1 was seen at Tree Frog Farm on May 4; 2 were seen on Wintergreen
Lane on May 4; 1 was seen at 104 Harwood Lane on May 4
BLUE GROSBEAK – 1 bird was seen in Henderson, NY (JC) on May 6
INDIGO BUNTING – 1 bird was seen at Prince Edward Point NWA (PEC) on May 4,
3 on May 6; 1 was seen at Lemoine Point on May 4, 1 on May 7; 1 bird was
seen at 5545 Perth Road Crescent on May 5; 1 was seen at Rotary Park on May
ORCHARD ORIOLE – 1 bird was seen on Old Front Road on May 4; 1 was seen on
Churchill Crescent on May 5; 1 was seen on Oakridge Avenue on May 5
(Churchill and Oakridge may be the same bird, streets are adjacent to each
other); 2 were seen on Amherst Island (L&A) on May 5, 2 on May 9; 2 were
seen at Lemoine Point on May 7
In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property in the recording
area, Kingston Field Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings
Please note that you must be a card-carrying member of Kingston Field
Naturalists (KFN), or be accompanied by a member, to access both the Martin
Edwards Reserve and Amherstview Sewage Lagoons. Permits are being checked
on a regular basis at Amherstview and those without are being evicted. KFN
members wishing to enter the Invista property must enter through the west
gate and show their membership card to security.
As always, a big thank you goes to all those who have submitted sightings
directly or via eBird.
Darren Rayner
Perth Road, Ontario